Here is this week’s list of tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
Ruth Coker Burks, the cemetery angel. Someone needs to make a movie out of this story.
Devil’s Food Cake and White Lies via LindaKSienkwicz. I’ve never had this dilemma. Have any of my readers?
When a Fear Demands to be Faced via MaryannePope. I have had moments like this, though.
Why It’s Important to Filter What We See, Read, and Accept Into Our Lives via happy seriously. One of the reasons why I avoid advertisements as much as I possibly can is so that I don’t have these kinds of thoughts.
In a Perpetual Present. What an interesting case.
From I Was an Men’s Right’s Activist:
Later, I discovered I suffer from clinical depression. There’s lot of literature on how socially extremist groups — such as men’s rights or white supremacy — exploit young men whose lives are in turmoil, their beliefs in conflict. Spreading Misandry was a recruitment piece and I was an easy target.
From What Happened to Wildlife When Chernobyl Drove Humans Out? It Thrived:
In fact, this study demonstrates that, regardless of potential radiation effects on individual animals, the Chernobyl exclusion zone supports a thriving and abundant mammal community despite nearly three decades of chronic radiation exposure.
What have you been reading?