Here is this week’s list of comic strips, poems, short stories, recipes, and other links from my favourite corners of the web.
How to Make Sure You Don’t Gain 10 Pounds Over the Holidays. This made me grin.
Christmas Gingerbread. My mouth watered as I read this. Doesn’t it sound good? It’s dairy-free, too.
A South Floridian’s Guide to Moving North via SickChristine. Now we need a similar post from someone who was used to cold, northern weather and then moved down south.
Children on the Mammoth Steppe. Take the time to look through this guy’s site in general. He specializes in paintings of paleolithic scenes, and they’re really beautiful. Children on the Mammoth Steppe is my favourite painting of his so far, though.
Uplifting Words: The Constructive Power of Words via RavenHeart81. This was good stuff.
The Green Knight’s Wife. I first found this story last August and saved it to share with you today. It’s the perfect way to begin the month of December.
From Spread Laughter This Holiday Season via bjknappwrites:
And that’s the thing that causes people stress this time of year—running out of time, and wanting to get the absolute perfect gift for everyone on their list that they lose their damn minds at Christmas shopping time. And do you know who takes the heat for it? The cashiers and staff in the stores.
People, your stress over the holidays is no reason to be nasty to people who are just trying to do their jobs. It’s not the cashier’s fault if a store policy doesn’t go your way.