Here is this week’s list of comic strips and other links from my favourite corners of the web.
Bed Bugs. While I did see the clever twist coming ahead of time, it still amused me.
The Joys of Repurposing via stuffoholics. While I think of myself as slightly better than average on this part of life, this blogger takes repurposing to a whole new level. I was so impressed with all of her creative ways to save money and reduce the amount of stuff she sends to the landfill.
Pain and Aging via drdavidspinner. Over the past several years, I’ve met people from many different age groups who are dealing with chronic, and often severe, pain. This was a very interesting look at some of the most common causes of pain that can crop up as someone grows older. I hope this blogger eventually writes a follow-up post about other types of pain as well.
A Post About Coffee You Don’t Want to Miss via FrostieMoss. This post made me wish I didn’t have a caffeine sensitivity. Greek coffee sounds delicious.
Do One Good Thing. I’ll be participating in this. Will you?
How Tolkien Created Middle-earth. Go read this even if you weren’t a fan of Lord of the Rings. There’s something fascinating about learning how an author creates an imaginary world from scratch. It makes me wonder what else he could have written if he’d had more time to focus on his writing.
From The Food of My Youth:
We ate quickly and with our hands. Raised plates to our mouths and made a trowel out of chopsticks. We lived as people without money do, with a sense of impending doom that everything as we knew it could end at any time. Despite the end-time anxiety, we ate as often as possible.