Here is this week’s list of blog posts, and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
Cat Bounce via my aunt @JackieWyse. It’s exactly what it sounds like.
I’m So Glad I Was Wrong. One man’s experience with returning to his rural hometown for the first time after transitioning from female to male. Some Torontonians I know who have always lived in the city have terribly classist ideas about small town life. Just because I moved away doesn’t mean I hate my roots or agree with the prejudiced stuff people say about rural communities. If only I could take my “city mouse” friends on a tour of Northwest Ohio. I think they’d be pleasantly surprised.
DIY Self-Care: Make-It-Better-Box. What a great idea!
From A Skeptic on a Ghost Hunt:
I didn’t actually tell anyone that I was a skeptic, of course. In fact, I really, really, REALLY wanted something unexplainable to happen. I’m a little bit Scully and a little bit Mulder like that. The ghost hunter groups were very nice and friendly, and most of the people who showed up really didn’t know what to expect.
How Can We Stop Pedophiles? I suspect the answer to this question would also help people in many other areas of life as well.
The Rhetoric of Inclusiveness. This makes me so glad I was homeschooled for the first several years of elementary school.
Have you ever made a decision you grew to deeply regret? As a child Gittel witnesses something horrific happen to her friend Devory but says nothing because of the code of silence in their strict religious community. Eishes Chayil’s Hush is about the secrets we keep, the truth we bend and what happens when it begins to come to the surface.
What have you been reading?
Love the part in the in inclusiveness article about kids needing a choice in whether to hug an adult who demands affection.
It’s so true. I’ll never understand why anyone thinks it’s ok to force people to give them physical affection. The age of the person in question is irrelevant – a three year old being pressured into a hug should have the same right to say “no” as someone who is 13, 30, or 103.