Here is this week’s list of comic strips, poems, articles, and other links from my favourite corners of the web.
The Ant & The Grasshopper. I will never think about this fable the same way again.
Blessing the Boats. This is the final Lucille Clifton poem I wanted to share with my readers. I hope you’ve enjoyed all six of her poems that I’ve linked to on alternating weeks since July.
Summer’s Last Dance via ShykiaBell. Summer technically didn’t end until yesterday, so I picked the closest Suggestion Saturday date to the fall solstice to share this poem from my friend Shykia. It’s a beautiful one, and today’s picture is in honour of it.
Slut-Shaming in South Asian Communities: Reputation and Dishonor via chai_fiend. As I read this, I wondered what it will take to change these kinds of traditions in every culture they can be found in. How many generations will it be before women stop being treated this way?
Octlandis: The Underwater City Built by Octopuses. I already liked octopuses, but learning about the amazing things they’ve figured out how to do only makes me admire them more.
Music Protection or Why Wear Earplugs at Concerts via tinnitustoolbox. While I almost never go to concerts, this link has made me decide to listen to music at a lower volume and to do so less often than I currently do. Protecting your hearing is so important.
Five Lifestyle Changes that Helped Me Seriously Reduce My Anxiety. Do you remember me talking about Stewart Bint’s call for guest posts last month? Earlier this week, I had the pleasure of writing a guest post for him. He is still looking for more guest posts, so send him a message on Twitter or through his site if you want to be featured there next. Stewart is a very nice guy, so don’t hesitate if you’re interested!
From Ray at 14:
Bless this boy, born with the strong faceof my older brother, the one I loved most,who jumped with me from the roofof the playhouse, my hand in his hand.