
Lydia Schoch is a science fiction and fantasy author from Toronto who has been blogging on various platforms since the early 2000s and publishing books since 2014. She is a big fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and The Handmaid’s Tale. She is not a big fan of brussels sprouts.

You can also connect with Lydia on Mastodon or Goodreads. She previously blogged at PK Stories and still shares the rare story from her childhood as a preacher’s kid here.

Please note that this blog does not accept guest posts or sponsored content.

This site is updated on Tuesdays for Top Ten Tuesday, Wednesday for the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge, and Thursdays for fresh book review. Occasionally, it has new posts on Mondays on a variety of topics as well.

As of May 6, 2019, Lydia has begun interviewing people who love speculative fiction. If you’d like to be interviewed, follow the instructions in this post.

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Interview with Lydia Schoch

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