Suggestion Saturday: March 25, 2017

Here is this week’s list of comic strips, calls for guest posts, and other links from my favourite corners of the web.

In the Air. For those of you who live in places that have long, cold winters, does the air in your neighbourhood smell like spring yet?

Guest Posts Wanted via DarciaHelle. Are any of you interested in this?

The First Runs of the Season via andre1begin. This was such a descriptive blog post about what it feels like to go for a run again just after winter has ended.

7 Ways to Overcome Destructive Self-Criticism via colleen_m_story. What a great essay.

Escape to Another World. I wonder how this will shape the world in the future? I’ve heard of similar things happening in Japan, so this kind of escapism could be more common than we think.

From The Secret to Happiness? Stop Trying to be Happy:

Indeed, if people recognize in Pasricha’s “values” some of their own but they can’t seem to live them out, that’s because they’re facing another, deeper dilemma: They are growing up or growing old in an era unlike any other in human history, where the basic instinct to survive has morphed into a complex desire to thrive.


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