Suggestion Saturday: July 19, 2014

Here is this week’s list of blog posts and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.

10 Deserted Places and Why They Were Abandoned. I spent most of my childhood living in northwest Ohio. My grandparents also live there, and one of the things I liked most about the drive to their farm involved all of the abandoned farmhouses we’d see along the way. There was a two-story brick house that was particularly pretty. It was half-slumped over in the corner of a field. I always fantasized about parking on the side of the road, climbing over the fence, and hoping the cows wouldn’t mind if I went exploring. The last time I drove by the house had finally collapsed, so this fantasy will never come true. Nothing can stop me from daydreaming about the secrets it might have held, though!

You Are Going to be Perfect via LissyWrites. I like this.

Alien Contact. Try to guess what this comic is about (other than aliens) before clicking on the link.

Managing My Weiner via StephNeighbour. The funniest thing I’ve read all week. It makes me wish I wasn’t allergic to dogs so I could adopt a few of them.

From 50 Ways to be a Person via virtusetveritas:

3. There’s no such thing as “timeless fashion staples.” Buy the clothes you like, and if they’re not “in style,” well, “fashion” is nothing more than a cultural construct, and you can change that.

From To Hug or Not to Hug?:

It’s an unwanted sympathetic hug from a stranger that particularly creeps me out.  That intimacy, that “Let me share your pain,” that stretch of foreign arms and intent into my personal space and my most raw and fragile emotional territory: it all makes me feel like something icky is crawling on me.  And when it comes out of nowhere like that, it’s even worse; it’s like finding something icky that has crawled onto me without me knowing.

Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil is the most surprising book I’ve read so far in 2014.

What interests me the most about babies is how they figure out all of the unwritten rules of society. When my nephew, Aiden, was a toddler he tried very hard to understand his grownups. One time someone said something funny and we all threw our heads back and laughed. He didn’t get the joke (I don’t think…), but he threw his head back and laughed alongside us. It was adorable.

Imagine exploring the moral systems that develop long before an infant can walk or talk! The experiments themselves are every bit as fascinating as the results, and I heartily recommend this book to anyone with even a passing interest in how the youngest members of our species decide what is right and wrong.

What have you been reading?

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