Title: The Christmas Mourner
Author: Marian McCarthy
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: December 10, 2021
Genres: Holiday, Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: 11 pages
Source: I received a free copy from the author
Rating: 3 Stars
A lonely Christmas Eve turns lively for mortician Perrie Spock when a late-night mourner shows up at the Rose Funeral Home.
Content Warning: Funeral home setting. Death.
Christmas ghost stories are one tradition that should never die.
I adored all of the little moments in this tale that showed Perrie’s dedication to her work. She really seemed to be passionate about preserving the dignity of the dead and giving their loved ones a chance to say goodbye in a peaceful, healing place. Grief is never easy, but it can be less difficult if the people surrounding the mourners are kind and compassionate like Perrie was. Look for the small things this protagonist does when she thinks nobody is watching that demonstrate just how much this matters to her. One of the best ones happened shortly after she turned off the light in the viewing room and prepared for a quiet Christmas Eve.
While I understand that this is part of a series and I did not go into it expecting to understand every reference to past events, it would have been helpful for me as a new reader to have a little more backstory on Perrie. For example, why was she so nonchalant the first time a ghost spoke to her? Even a line or two about how maybe she’d had this happen to her before or she expected it for some other reason would have been enough for me to choose a much higher rating as this was a heartwarming read in general.
The world building was sweet and lovely. I especially enjoyed the descriptions of what it feels, looks, sounds, and smells like to interact with a friendly ghost. Anyone who is familiar with ghost stories, especially of the Christmas variety, will know just what to expect here, but that is not a criticism of this work by any means. Sometimes readers – or at least this reader – find comfort in tropes they’ve read many times before. It’s like eating a favourite meal or putting on a soft sweatshirt after a long day in the outside world and relaxing into the moment. That is to say, it’s blissful.
The Christmas Mourner made me smile.
Another one I haven’t heard of (this feels like what I’m always saying when I visit the blogs of others!), but it sounds interesting. It’s always cool when we can find stories that have a more unique spin since there are so many out there that share similar stories. 🙂
Yes, absolutely!
I love learning about books I wasn’t aware of from other blogs. 🙂