Here is this week’s list of blog posts, short stories, and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
Your World Is How You View It via digbydigz. There’s definitely something to be said for looking at the world this way. I’ve never met this blogger, but something tells me I’d like her if I did.
Trash Food. This is really fascinating.
Adventures in Hydrocephalus via Apo_Papafrangou. Talk about an eye-catching title!
Nina Nestor Obituary. No, I didn’t know Nina or any of her loved ones. To the best of my knowledge, none of my readers knew them either. Why am I telling you to read her obituary, then? Because it’s hilarious. If any of you ever ask me to write a summary of your lives, I’ll try to be half as witty as Nina’s daughter. She did a fantastic job here, and I am truly sorry for her loss of what sounds like was an amazing mother.
The Devil Marries Three Sisters via prnancarrow. Who else remembers the fairy tale called “Bluebeard”? I noticed a lot of similarities between that one and this one. I wonder which one came first?
From The Glorification of Busy:
Some days mum is only out of bed for an hour, but gosh it’s snuggly to jump in there with her and put a movie on. My children are happy…I did that. And that is ENOUGH.
And the thing is, you, who is reading this YOU are enough too. I was always enough, and so were you. Why do we think we need to do it all, to be enough?
What have you been reading?
Glad you enjoyed my mom’s obit. Its been interesting to see how far afield it went after the original posting in the LA Times. She was a fantastic woman.
You’re welcome, Diane. Thank you so much for stopping by!