Suggestion Saturday: August 23, 2014

Here is this week’s list of blog posts, poems, and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.

Trinity Bellwood Park Loses White Squirrel. Most of my readers aren’t from Ontario, so I thought you all might enjoy a little taste of our local news. The comment section is especially entertaining.

What Happens When Evangelical Virgin Men Get Married? This Secular Female Sociologist Found Out.  A long but good read.

How to Be Polite via donttrythis. This has popped up into my twitter stream over and over again this past week. I thought I’d pass it onto any of my readers who aren’t on Twitter or otherwise haven’t seen it yet. It’s truly excellent.

Raspberry Time Travel via ourvalley. It’s funny to see how special places change when you revisit them as an adult. I thought of my grandparents’ farm while reading this post.

From Friend to –Stranger?  Sometimes these things happen. I liked how this blogger described the awkwardness of running into someone you once knew so well.

From Memories of Irresistible Toys via joshuamneff:

& if you think about it
the meaning of

a poem nailed to a door with
an umbrella

Unnatural Selection wasn’t an easy book to read. Sex-selective abortions over the past generation have created a massive surplus in young men and in countries like China. Some communities are so imbalanced that there are roughly two boys for every one girl.

How will this affect the future? The latest research has shown a spike in sex trafficking and people buying brides for their sons. It looks like the crime rate may also be on the rise. I’ll admit that some of the author’s projections don’t have a great deal of data to support them (yet), but the picture they paint of what could happen based on similar occurrences in the past is grim.

I’d definitely recommend this book to anyone interested in sociology, history, or predictions about what the future might hold.

What have you been reading?

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