Here is this week’s list of blog posts, jokes, comic strips, poems, and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
Freedom and Apology via Kim_Batchelor. The author of this post teaches a creative writing class in a jail, and she’s learned a lot from her students. This was such an interesting peek into a part of society I know almost nothing about.
February. I actually found this poem last spring, but I decided to wait until February rolled around again to share it with all of you. 🙂
Fear and Monsters via CamelaThompson. Isn’t it wonderful to stumble across blog posts that ask questions you’ve never thought of before?
Why Birds Fluff Up. Just the thought of this makes me shiver.
Powers. This is also true for those of us who are bisexual. Haha!
Confidence Trick via Hannah_Chutzpah. Yes, exactly.
From The Jellyfish Method Of Handling Criticism:
But the problem with developing thick skin is that there’s a tendency to start deflecting anything and everything that isn’t overwhelmingly positive. After awhile, even a well-meaning critique runs the risk of being labeled as “hater talk” and disregarded.
What have you been reading?