Here is this week’s list of essays, comic strips, poems, short stories, and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
Why Cursing Is Not Profanity via AllainaDaniels. I agree with this blogger 100%.
Hey, Ugly Duckling. There are no words to describe how much I love this.
The True Story of Kudzu, the Vine That Never Truly Ate the South. Until I read this article, I genuinely believed that Kudzu had infested the U.S. south and was unstoppable. Here’s the real story of this plant.
Down the Road via jrobertswi. One of the things that I genuinely enjoy about winter is the way it reveals parts of a landscape that are otherwise hidden away. It’s like hearing a secret that no one else knows.
How Cleaning Can Be Therapy via TracyShawn. I don’t find cleaning particularly relaxing, but I do get a similar mood boost from folding laundry. It’s especially rewarding when I’m at the end of the folding process and finally get to match up all of the socks. If I could somehow make a living by folding socks, I’d do it all day and every day. Ha! I’d love to know if any of my readers find certain household chores as relaxing as Tracy and I do.
From The Tomato Thief:
Eva sighed again.
It was debatable whether she knew the real reason that Grandma Harken lived so far out of town. Her mother kept a lot of secrets.
In fact, it was because of the tomatoes.
What have you been reading?
I quite like doing the dishes, oddly enough.
Interesting! I never would have guessed that about you. 🙂
I think it’s the warm water and something symbolic about being able to see the dishes go from dirty to clean. Rinsing away the badness, if you will.