Here is this week’s list of blog posts and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web. (Photo credit.)
A Complex Woman’s Annotations. I love the idea of having a regular check-in. I wonder if I could convince friends and family to do something like this? 😉 It seems like we either talk all of the time or not at all for weeks or months on end.
Meet the Man Who Lived With Wolves. One of the most fascinating aspects of living in a big city (or even the suburbs to a certain degree) is how much people who have little experience with it can romanticize and spiritualize nature.  I don’t know if this is what is going on here but it is the first thing to come to mind as I read this article.
One Story, One Song. Richard Wagamese’s new memoir is going to be released in a few weeks. His blog is excellent so I have high hopes for the book!
Canadian Complacency: How We Don’t Understand the US and How We Don’t Fight Hard Enough For Ourselves. This is a fantastic post about how Canadians spend so much time comparing ourselves to the US that we miss those things in our society that need to be fixed. I know I’ve been guilty of it. It was so exhilarating to move to a country that makes it easier for disadvantaged people to access medical care and quality education that I overlooked some of the stuff Canada needs to work on.
You Should Date an Illiterate Girl. Read this regardless of whether you’re single, in a monogamous, committed relationship or something else entirely. It is so very true.
A final thought:
You know everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects. – Will Rogers
What have you been reading?
as usual, I enjoyed all of your links! interesting take on Canadian cultural norms. while I usually don’t like to think in stereotypes, I gotta say it makes sense. 😉
Thank you.