Here is this week’s list of comic strips and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
Polio Summer and Polio Summer II. This story made me shudder. I can’t imagine living with that kind of fear year after year.
Well-Practiced Douchebags. While I’m not at all a fan of the term douchebag, this was a fantastic explanation of why some people create so much social chaos and who should be blamed for it.
Bride of the Rose Beast. I’d never heard of the original fairy tale before, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying this updated version of it.
How (Not) to Make an Easter Nest with Toddlers via SillyMummy88. This is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time. No, I will not be trying it with any of the toddlers in my life. Haha.
Achieving Normal Life via lifebyd4limbs.What life is like for a personal trainer who has had both of his legs amputated.
The 7 Don’ts of Social Media Etiquette for Bloggers via thatchamdad. I’d argue that these rules also apply to everyone else online. Having good online etiquette is just as important as being considerate and polite offline.
What have you been reading?
Thank you so much for including my post in this, and I will be checking out the others too!
You’re welcome! I hope you enjoyed the other links. I really loved your post. 🙂