Here is this week’s list of blog posts, comics, twitter feeds, videos and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
I’ve never done this before on Suggestion Saturday but if you have a Twitter account go follow @vulgar_tongue. They tweet entries from the 1811 edition of Francis Grose’s Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, a directory to English slang from 200 years ago.
And here’s something else I’ve never done. Click here if you want the AgeAnalyzer to guess your age based on what you write on your blog:
The AgeAnalyzer thinks is written by someone 36-50 years old.
I wonder why it thinks I’m at least a decade older than my actual age? 🙂
Mutually (un)Intelligible. A short video of two birds talking about…something.
I Hope Barack Obama. This is a blog full of people wishing good things for President Obama. You can submit your own wish for him or just read through it. I hope this becomes a meme. It feels so much better to bless others than to curse them. (Thanks for the link, Undercover Nun!)
From An Open Letter to My Muse:
But, here’s the thing. I show up everyday. Every single day. I’m here while I’m working and I’m here on my days off. I’m here when I feel like it and I’m here when I don’t. I’m here whether I have the time or not. Because I treat this thing seriously.
I really wish you’d show up more often. Because I feel like I’m doing my part.
(Comic via AsboJesus.)
The employees of the Toronto Public Library have been on strike for the past few weeks so my access to new books has been slim. What have you been reading?
In case you are wondering what the upper limit of the age analysis, my blogs both got ranked in the 65-100 years old category. I’m not yet sure if I should take that as a complement or an insult. 🙂
I am presently reading “The History of the Devil,” which is available for free at, as are many spiritual writings from all faiths. I’m still looking for my next literature book, though…
Very interesting!
Thanks for the heads up about @vulgar_tongue. I am now following that. And I have three blogs and I got three different ages! I got 51-65 for Random Thoughts (and I am 66), I go 65-100 for Flash Fiction (which kinda surprised me) and I got 36-50 for my Haiku blog (which was very flattering). I sure wonder how they do it i or if it is totally random! Hope the Toronto Public Library is back open again!
You’re welcome!
I have no idea how they calculate age from scanning your blog. Maybe it’s random?
The library opened back up on Friday at the last minute. 🙂