Here is this week’s list of comic strips, blog posts, essays, and other links from my favourite corners of the web.
Taste Test. I can’t stop giggling at this.
The Real Reason Representation Matters via JamesSabata. Yes, precisely.
Time Is Relative. The next time I go hiking, this is going to be rattling around in the back of my mind.
All of the Men Are Dead – Why Hollywood Needs Y: The Last Man via JRitchieAuthor. I couldn’t agree with J. Edward more when he says that there’s too much material in Y: The Last Man to be condensed into a movie. It would make a fantastic television show, though, and I sure hope Hollywood takes note of that soon.
Why It’s Good to Think Before You Speak via i_stuart88. This is excellent advice.
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. This made me chuckle, too.
The Longest Poem in the World. Bookmark this link, readers. The poem is regularly updated with unrelated tweets that happen to rhyme with each other.
A Tiny Scar, From Falling. Trigger warning: this essay was written by someone who was trying to reconstruct their abusive and neglectful childhood that included many years in the foster care system. They didn’t remember large chunks of it and wanted to see if they could figure out what happened and how they received a specific scar.