Suggestion Saturday: October 22, 2011

Here is this week’s list of blog posts, poems, photographs and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.

Rediscovered Kitchen. My family moved around a bit while my brothers and I were growing up.  Each time we moved I wished fervently to discover some cool antiques or a long-forgotten room.  It never happened to us…but it sure did recently to Archie and Philippa Graham-Palmer!

Money Trees. How did the very first person to hammer a coin into these trees came up with the idea, I wonder?

Women in Elevators. This article is a great peek into how gender affects how men and women react to certain situations.

From All Quiet on the Western Frontier:

He stood there, shell shocked, with a thousand yard stare
In the last 48 hours he’d survived unspeakable horrors, but never left his station
Now, I needed to talk to him.

Seeking Quotes from Queer Women who Partner with Trans Women and/or Cis Men. If anyone reading this is part of this group please click on the link and participate. Everyone else – check it out as well. Some of the stories that have been shared so far are (almost) unbelievable…except that I’ve heard similar nonsense. 😉

What a gorgeous fall view!

Photo by Ximonic, Simo Räsänen

Today’s recommendation is Sex on Six Legs. Before reading it I’d never known that insects can exhibit consistant personality traits like shyness or boldness (or at least that’s our human interpretations of their behaviour. It’s difficult to know what an ant is actually thinking or feeling!)

What have you been reading?


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0 Responses to Suggestion Saturday: October 22, 2011

  1. The women in elevators article was facinating.  It reminded me of study I read a few years ago about how the level of stress women experience in those kinds of situations is heightened if the man is of another race and the woman is ovulating.  Basically the women on the street (assuming she’s white) will get freaked out by a black guy, she’ll get freaked out by a white guy, but she’ll get measurably more freaked out if the guy is black and she’s ovulating.
    The theory proposed by the people who did the study was that back in tribal, hunting/gathering times the stigma from having offspring with someone of another tribe could have dire consequences for a woman so evolution made us more wary of anyone classified as “other” when it’s possible for us to produce that offspring if he were to grab us by the hair and drag us back to his cave. 

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