Here is this week’s list of essays, poems, comic strips, and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
The Dharma of Tea Towels via SatyaRobyn. Two things came to mind when I read this post. First, I completely understand how easy it is to overthink small annoyances instead of living in the moment. Second, I love folding tea towels because they’re so small and easy to work with. If I lived with Satya, she’d have to wake up pretty early in the morning to beat me to that chore. Ha!
The Sleeping Girl of Turville: The True Story of a Girl Who fell asleep for Nine Years. This was fascinating. I’m pretty sure it turned into a hoax at some point, but I’m still not entirely sure how the family was able pull it off.
The Eye That Floats Unblinking via illicit. I can’t tell you anything about this ahead of time without giving away spoilers. It was wonderful, though.
What Flowers Need. Reason #2948 why dandelions are my favourite flower.
Unfit Like Dodos via brudberg. The imagery in this is wonderful.
Summer’s Last Gasp. Autumn and spring always pass by for me much more quickly than the other seasons do. This doesn’t exactly explain why that is so, but it did make me think of how I view the passage of time as I looked at it.
From Best Sisters:
I was not prepared for the possibility of my sister. She was born in that in between time—the days before summer vacation has started and all the possibilities are still alive, waiting. I was jealous.
What have you been reading?
I really liked the What Flowers Need link. Too funny!