Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Brags

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

The phrase “believe yourself” written in black coloured pencil on white graph paper. There’s a little red heart written in red coloured pencil next to that phrase as well as three coloured pencils - gold, black, and red - lying on the page above these scribbling. I’m in a cheerful and confident mood and so will be sharing some bookish brags today.

1. I’m much better at saying no than I used to be. I wish I could read every speculative fiction book  out there and then review it, but that’s simply not possible until someone invents a longer day for all of us to enjoy! Hehe.

2. I (usually) know which books will be up my alley.

3. I (usually) know which books won’t appeal to me.

4.  Every week I comment on as many Top Ten Tuesday posts as I possibly can. Some comment systems don’t work for my tablet for some reason, but I send out friendly replies to as many blogs I can reply to until the list runs out or until my time runs out.  I want new participants and less well known bloggers to feel included and welcomed.

5. Jana has accepted a few of my topic suggestions…including today’s topic. It’s thrilling every time it happens.

6. I’m reading a much more diverse array of authors these days. Most of the authors I read are women. My goal is for at least half of the books I review to be written by people who are non-white, LGBTQ+, disabled, chronically ill, immigrants, a member of another minority group, or some combination of these categories.  I routinely surpass that goal and am thinking I should raise it for 2025.

7.  I’ve met so many kind and intelligent people in Top Ten Tuesday and other bookish circles.

8. I no longer feel guilty for giving some number other than 10 answers for Top Ten Tuesday prompts. Some weeks it is fewer than that and other weeks it is more.

9. Top Ten Tuesday has taught me to pay closer attention to new release lists, so I now often know which books to keep an eye out for at my local library.

10. I am delighted to see bookish people thriving on Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. I’m too shy to make videos myself, but it’s wonderful to see how social media can be used to spread the love of books. This is my post, so I can brag about other people’s accomplishments if I wish to. 😉


Filed under Blog Hops

54 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Brags

  1. I can pretty much tell what books I’ll like too which is why I have so many 4 and 5 star reads. It’s not because I’m not genuine, it’s just that I won’t read books I don’t think I’ll love. Which is why I avoid the Read Now section on NetGalley.

    That is so sweet that you’re including us newbies. I also have issues with Blogger blogs if they only allow blogger/google comments. I have follewed all the directions and even set up my blogger profile but I’m unable to comment on them.

    I won’t do videos of myself either. I’m too self-conscious for that but I do enjoy others posts like that.

  2. I know what you mean about being pretty good on choosing books — most of mine are 4-star reviews because despite the number of books I read, I’m picky about selecting them and bite only when I’m pretty sure I’ll like it. (Barring an interesting premise or subject, anyway. A book can be badly written despite a promising subject !)

  3. Although I went rogue on your chosen topic day today (my brain is just sadly not in it) I do want to come back to this topic one day! 😄 These are some great bookish brags and I do agree, as someone who has participated in TTT for years and who tries to be as consistent as possible with blog hopping, I think you are the account that I see visiting the most blogs every week. It’s a great accomplishment to brag about! 😉

  4. The 2 and 3 are amazing. it’s great that you know what you like. there are a lot of books out there but not so much time.

  5. I wouldn’t make videos either 😂 plus they take too long to watch and reading is easier unpopular opinion. 😂 Good topic!

  6. Congrats on getting your topic on TTT! It’s definitely a fun one and though I went with confessions, I’m definitely hoping to do brags some day too 🙂

  7. I love #8! 🙌😂 I’ve been known to play with the numbers! Usually going over 10! Kudos for so faithfully blog hopping and commenting! It does not go unnoticed! Yes…making comments is challenging at times!

  8. Thanks for today’s topic! It was a quick post to put together. I think I have only submitted one or two topics to Jana and they didn’t get picked, but maybe I should try again (if I ever think of something creative, LOL!). I also feel pretty confident in picking books I will enjoy. I hope you have a great week!

    • You’re welcome.

      Honestly, I had to submit a good number of topics before one of mine was picked. Keep trying if or when you come up with new ideas. I’ll be cheering you on and hoping one of yours is picked in the next round. 🙂

      Have a nice week yourself.

  9. Great post, Lydia! I agree about #8. I used to feel bad if my Top Ten Tuesday posts didn’t include exactly ten items, but now I don’t worry about it. I hope you have a great Tuesday!

  10. I’m always impressed by people who have a pretty bookstagram or account about books. I used to take photos of books all the time, but I haven’t for a few years now. I think it just got “too much” and I pressured myself to share new things. Maybe someday I’ll join again, but likely I’ll just admire those who do. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my list today.

  11. Congrats on today’s topic!! I’ve submitted a few and never get chosen. I gave up. haha. I think those are all such awesome brags. I’ve definitely gotten better at saying no and knowing what I will like. Bookstagram is the only social aspect I can do. Mostly, bc I don’t have to talk or show my face!! My anxiety could never let me talk in front of the camera!

    • Thank you. I hope you eventually get chosen! It took me quite a while, to be honest.

      I hadn’t thought about the Bookstagram accounts where people never show their faces. That would be easier than talking on camera for sure.

  12. Congrats on the topic getting picked! I loved coming up with these 🙂
    Really feel ya on #2 and #3 – we’re seasoned readers now I guess.

  13. I love that you want to make new bloggers feel welcome and that you comment on as many blogs as possible. I’ve been really bad at visiting blogs the last few months because of some new developments in my life, but I’m trying to work on my time management. Love your topic for today’s TTT!

  14. This was a good topic. And, I love your answers–no guilt for doing Top Eight or Even Top Four Tuesday. Hugs

  15. I really appreciate your comments on my Top Ten Tuesday posts <3

  16. Your diligence in visiting and commenting on TTT posts is definitely something to be proud of! Your comments always make me happy and I love that you are devoted to making other bloggers feel welcome and included in our beloved book blogosphere. That’s really wonderful 🙂

    Happy TTT!


  17. RS

    All great brags. #2 & 3 in particular are immensely important qualities for curating a satisfying reading life.

    And #4 is one many people, myself included, very much appreciate! The fact that you seem to do them all within a day or two is especially impressive.

  18. Thank you for commenting on my blog!
    (I’m very new to the book-ish blogging community, and the fact that you make an effort to comment on each of them is extraordinary AND it’s really a wonderful thing to be proud of! Thank you so much!)
    ❤️ #6 . I’ve often tried to incorporate diverse perspectives as often as I can, and I’ve found it broadens my perspective of the world often.

  19. I wish I could tell what books I will like and what books I won’t…but I have a wide range of interests so a very broad range of topics appeal to me, then it boils down to the writing style itself (and my mood when I read the book). I hope you have a great week, and thanks for visiting my blog earlier.

  20. You are amazing at commenting. I always appreciate seeing you in my comments, so your efforts do not go unnoticed.

  21. Thanks for sharing! The internet, social media, and book blogs, have changed my reading life so much over the years. I used to just read in my wheelhouse, but now I am more freewheeling due to others’ recommendations, lists, goals, and enthusiasms.

    Happy reading.

  22. Hello! I’m fine, thanks, and the weather couldn’t be lovelier (you should ee the tulip poplar leaves literally “turning” yellow in the wind after the first chilly night in October, which was last night). When the Internet connection will recover from edge-of-hurricane damage, who knows.

    Yes, having overstuffed e-book files does boost one’s ability to spot books one won’t like and give them a miss, though I still get into things like today’s reviewed book.

    A related book reviewing quirk, or issue, or irony, or something…Book Sirens introduces reviewers to writers based on our Goodreads corpus. When I was doing the book-a-day thing at Goodreads I posted about several lifelong favorite books. As a result Book Sirens is telling people that I give LOTS of five-star reviews! Well…

  23. Saying no is hard! Such “FOMO”, haha. I try to be selective too, though. These days I have a pretty clear idea of what is interesting to me and what just feels like generic SF/F, and try to avoid being baited by the same ol’ same ol’ stuff.

  24. I love Top Ten Tuesday! I also comment on as many posts as possible so everybody feels seen. I rarely make it through the whole list, though.

  25. Yay great brags. It’s wonderful that you try to make new people feel included and welcome. I also think being able to say no to some requests is good as it’s impossible to read everything and accepting things you’re not truly interested in will probably lead to disappoint all around in the end. Like you I’m much too shy to make videos so you’re not alone there.

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