Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Had Very Strong Emotions About

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A photo of the arm of a pale-skinned person who is holding two balloons against some beige drapes. Both balloons are yellow. One shows a kissing face emoji and the other shows the emoji whose eyes have been replaced with two little red hearts. What a cute scene!Interestingly enough, the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge topic for tomorrow is about books that are tearjerkers.

To balance that out, today I will list some books that made me laugh. If you are in the mood for a humorous read, go check out these titles if you haven’t read them already.

1.The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, #1) by Douglas Adams

2. Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett

3. The Princess Bride by William Goldman

4. Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein

5. I Am America by Stephen Colbert

(No, you do not need to be American or have ever been to the United States of America to enjoy this satire!)

6. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling

7. Furiously Happy: A Funny Book about Horrible Things by Jenny Lawson






Filed under Blog Hops

38 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Had Very Strong Emotions About

  1. Furiously Happy was truly funny. Lawson managed to make something serious be laugh out loud funny.

  2. All of your choices are awesome!

  3. Glad you enjoyed the Colbert book. I tried back in the day (and I was a Colbert show fan!) and couldn’t quite.

  4. The Princess Bride is such a classic! Great list! Happy Tuesday, Lydia!

  5. I *love* Where the Sidewalk Ends and I’m still on a mission to get Silverstein’s books onto my physical shelf one day. I’ve got Furiously Happy and Kaling’s book on my TBR and I’m super keen to give both a try. I’ve heard good things about them! Great list 🙂

  6. I started watching ‘Hitchhiker’ the other day, and honestly, as someone who knows nothing about the story (other than I was familiar with the name), it took me by surprise. The story does seem like something sure to make us laugh and I love the cast, too! I used to know someone who always liked Terry Pratchett books, and so I did hear about those being funny, and I think I’ve seen an adaptation or two as well. Thanks so much for visiting my website today! 🙂

  7. I love your spin on the topic because I find myself wanting more funny reads lately. I think we all need a good laugh. Hitchhikers is on my list! Good Omens I read when I was in high school and I think it whizzed over my head, I want to give it another try to see if I ‘Get it’ now. & Princess Bride is fun but it’s a rare case of ‘I liked the movie better’ Awesome list I’m curious to check out Furiously Happy..the cover is bonkers and I want to know more!

    • Thank you. We all need a good laugh for sure.

      Honestly, I preferred the film version of The Princess Bride, too. It was perfect.

      I hope you like The Hitchhiker’s Guide!

  8. Oh yes, love half of those books. Especially The Princess Bride, book or movie, always puts me in a good mood

  9. Terry Pratchett always makes me smile!

  10. I also loved Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? I haven’t read Good Omens yet, but I absolutely adore the TV show version 🙂

  11. Hitchhiker’s Guide is one of my husband’s favorite books, though I haven’t read it yet. I didn’t know it was funny!

  12. Hitchhiker’s Guide was a DNF for me, though I do love the movie adaptation.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  13. I still need to read The Princess Bride. I do love the movie though.

  14. Jenny Lawson is so great! And I grew up reading Shel Silverstein. You’ve got a lot of good picks on this list.

  15. I’ve read several of these—but haven’t yet picked up I Am America! I’ve meant to, but forgot about it when we stopped watching Colbert. Thanks for the reminder!

  16. I really like that you picked funny books for this week. Shel Silverstein books are so nostalgic for me, and I have Where the Sidewalk Ends on my bookshelf. My brother gave it to me as a birthday present, decades ago, and it’s still such a fresh memory, so thanks for bringing that back for me.

    I’ve got a few of these on my TBR, and own The Princess Bride. I figured that since I love the movie so much, I should probably at least read the book, and bought it at a library sale. I also got Good Omens at the same sale, but haven’t watched the show. The Stephen Colbert book sounds like a great one, thanks for the heads up!

  17. Love your focus on books that made you laugh! Don’t we all need more of those? 100% agree with Good Omens, Hitchhiker’s Guide, and The Princess Bride. I think my husband has a copy of the Colbert book somewhere — I’ll see if I can find it and finally give it a try! Shel Silverstein books bring back such amazing memories! My kids use to laugh so hard when we read those together. Wonderful choices!

  18. Where the Sidewalk Ends still makes me laugh. I wish more books did. I’m a bit tired of books that take themselves sooo seriously.

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