Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set in Another Time

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

The word time is printed on a piece of cardstock. The cardstock is on fire and the flames have almost reached the printed word on this document. One of the reasons why I enjoy science fiction so much is how often authors in this genre set their tales in alternate universes, alternate timelines, or in versions of the past or future that are likewise different from our own in important ways.

Here are ten books with these sorts of settings.

1. Kindred by Octavia E. Butler

2. My Real Children by Jo Walton

3. To Say Nothing of the Dog (Oxford Time Travel, #2) by Connie Willis

4. Before the Coffee Gets Cold (Before the Coffee Gets Cold, #1) by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

5 .11/22/63 by Stephen King

6. The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick

7. The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton

8. A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain

9. The Kaiju Preservation Society by John Scalzi

10. The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson






Filed under Blog Hops

64 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set in Another Time

  1. Kindred was a phenomenal read! Have you watched the adaption? I’ve been meaning to, but haven’t gotten to it.

  2. I loved Evelyn Hardcastle, although it really hard my head! 😂

  3. I love 11/22/63!! I almost added it to my list today but chose a different King instead!

  4. I really enjoyed #s 7 and 9, and have #s 3 and 5 on my TBR list. Fun take on this week’s TTT. 😀

  5. I absolutely adore John Scalzi and The Kaiju Preservation Society is on my list to read this year.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  6. I haven’t read any of these, but I’m going to check them out. Thanks for the recommendations!

  7. Despite not reading much (or maybe any, I’m not sure) sci-fi or fantasy fiction, I do recognize about three of your features! I’ve heard of Mark Twain’s as well as Philip’s and Stuart’s, too. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my list today.

  8. Joanne @ Portobello Book Blog

    I’ve only read 11/22/63 from your list and loved that! It’s so interesting to see the variety on everyone’s lists.

  9. The one and only book I’ve read by Stephen King is Cujo. Couldn’t sleep for a week afterwards. LOL. Happy Tuesday!

  10. Kindred is on my TBR! I have heard such good things.

  11. So many great settings! Fun and easy prompt this week!

  12. I love your list! I’ve read nearly all of these.

    Willis’s To Say Nothing of the Dog is one of my favorite books, and I think I’m due for a reread. (Though I’d like to read Jerome’s Three Men in a Boat first.)

  13. Kindred made someone else’s list today, too. I haven’t read The Man in the High Castle or 11/22/63 yet. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog today.

  14. I don’t read much from this genre, but I did find one I enjoyed, Waters of Time by Jody Hedlund. Have a great week!

  15. I’ve had the Stephen King book on my TBR for a long time. I need to move it up. Great list. I haven’t read any of these. I do like science fiction sometimes.

  16. I’m curious about Before the Coffee Gets Cold, but I haven’t picked it up–yet!
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  17. Connecticut Yankee is so fun–even the Bing Crosby movie is fun. And I loved all of the Before the Coffee Gets Cold series. Good work!

  18. I really enjoy the Before the Coffee Gets Cold series. I also need to read Kindred.

  19. Tammy Schoch

    The years of rice and salt was really amazing. I didn’t read any reviews before I read it so it took a while for me to realize what was happening with the alternative timeline thing.

  20. Connecticut Yankee is lots of fun 🙂 I should reread it — it’s been a couple decades, I think.

  21. The Kaiju Preservation Society was such a fun read! I have only read one other Scalzi novel and I really want to read more by him. I am glad to see Kindred on your list too. That was one of my favorite reads last year. I’ve heard such great things about Connie Willis’s books. . Before the Coffee Gets Cold is on my TBR. I am looking forward to reading it.

  22. I loved The Oxford Time Travel books so I’m glad to see one made your list. 🙂

  23. Ooh! I love The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle!

  24. Marianne @ Let's Read

    Great list. I have Kindred on my list but haven’t read any of your books.
    Thanks for visiting my list:

  25. I’ve read KINDRED, but that’s it from your list. I do enjoy a good time slip novel!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  26. These titles are so good. I haven’t heard of that Stephen King book before. Not that I read his books anymore but still I would expect to at least know about it. Happy reading!

  27. I’ve read half of these, and I enjoyed all of those I read. Now I should read the rest!

  28. Kindred is one I’m excited to read. Everybody seems to love it.

  29. Before the Coffee Gets Cold sounds like an incredible read. I just checked it out and will have to add it to the TBR.

  30. Nice list, Lydia. Before the Coffee Gets Cold and Kindred are on my TBR shelf. There are others here that pique my interest.

  31. Although I always say that I’m not much of a sci-fi reader, you’ve got more than a few on this list that piqued my interest. Thank you for the recs, and I love that you highlighted Kindred. It’s such a great book.

  32. I’ve loved the Connecticut Yankee for a long time. People forget how many other things Mark Twain wrote besides “Huckleberry Finn” and most of them didn’t even have rude words in them.

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