I procrastinate.
I pick at the dry skin around my cuticles.
I worry.
When people suddenly start talking about the visceral details of their various medical conditions, I leave the room. There is never any reason for me to know about anyone’s mucous plugs, weeping sores, or bowel movements.
I hate making telephone calls and will avoid them if at all possible.
Olives and brussels sprouts gross me out. I refuse to eat them.
I fidget.
My mind loves to wander, and I don’t always reign it in.
Sometimes I don’t hold the elevator door open for people who are dawdling in the lobby.
I like to re-watch favourite TV episodes over and over again. This is an especially nice thing to do when I’m exercising or otherwise don’t want to give a show my full attention.
If a book doesn’t grab my attention within a few pages, I stop reading it.
Now you know my bad habits. What are a few of yours?
Haha. The same as yours! It was like looking in a mirror.
Too funny!
Yeah, perfectionism is tough. It’s interesting to see how much we have in common.