Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Books That Are Tearjerkers

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

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Photo of a biracial woman dabbing away tears from her cheek as she cries. She is wearing a white, longsleeved blouse and has a lovely Afro. I enjoyed tearjerkers a lot more when I was a kid than I do now as an adult. Or maybe my tastes in this genre have simply evolved over time?

If a book advertises itself as a tearjerker, I am generally less interested in reading it than I would have been at 8 or 10. (Perhaps this is why so many of the stories on my list are written for roughly that age group give or take a few years?)

But if a well-written story happens to have a few scenes that make me cry, I don’t mind it one bit.

Here are some tearjerkers I’ve enjoyed at various ages. As I haven’t reread most of them recently, I can’t say whether my opinion of them remains the same! Hopefully, they’re just as good as I recall, though.

1. Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson

2. Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls

3. Marley and Me: Life and Love With the World’s Worst Dog by John Grogan

4. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes

5. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

6. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry (Logans, #4) by Mildred D. Taylor

7. The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams Bianco

8. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

9. The Color Purple by Alice Walker

10. Still Alice by Lisa Genova

11. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe (Whistle Stop #1) by Fannie Flagg

12. The Snow Child by Eowyn Ivey

This last book is my one exception to the rule. I reread it last year and it was even better than it was the first time around. If you can handle something that talks about infertility, child loss, and grief in a 1920s-era but still fairytale-like format, I highly recommend it.


Filed under Blog Hops

8 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Books That Are Tearjerkers

  1. Lydia, I agree wholeheartedly with you about books being advertised as ‘tearjerkers’. I always feel that there’s an expectation to feel something. I much prefer to feel more naturally moved by a great story.

  2. Like George and you, a book advertised as a tearjerker is not likely to grab me. I too like to be naturally moved. I had no idea that Fried Green Tomatoes had a sequel until I saw on your list. It was listed as the first book in the series.

  3. I agree with you – I rarely seek out something that will make me cry. If I need to get those emotions out, I’ll write. LOL

    Fried Green Tomatoes was such a great book. And Where the Red Fern Grows is permanently embedded in my memories because I remember watching my 3rd grade teacher cry as she read it to us.

    My post

  4. I’m not keen on books that are marketed as tearjerkers either. I can safely say I’ve never read any of the ones on your list, although I am aware of them. They’re not really my thing.

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