Happy Holidays to those of you who have already begun observing them! Here is this week’s list of comic strips, poems, and other links from my favourite corners of the web.
Christmas 1931. A Yuletide of Hunger via harryslaststand. This brought tears to my eyes.
The Vegan Vulture. In no way do I judge people who have to be careful about what they eat due to allergies, intolerances, medical conditions like diabetes, etc. (I’m part of this group!) This is hilarious, though.
Christmas Past. Various holiday-themed links have taken over Suggestion Saturday this month. Rather than fighting this year, I’m accepting it. Also, this is the perfect thing to read for anyone who loves Charles Dickens.
Carrots and Whiskey via SDJackson85. This is the perfect short horror story to read as Christmas looms in the near future.
From 6 Awkward Holiday Conversations You’re Dreading:
Hopefully everything for you will be hugs, warmth, light, and reconnection with the people you love. But if you are dreading dealing with that one jerk relative or bracing yourself for an onslaught of intrusive questions and and awkward topics, here’s a guide to keeping your cool and choosing your battles when everyone around you is making it weird.
From You’re Damn Right There’s a Santa Claus via tjtherien:
There will be time enough to crush the hopes and dreams of a person. Leave children alone. Let them believe. The magic of being a child is in believing anything is possible.