I don’t care about your politics.
I don’t care about your religious beliefs.
I don’t care if you do file your taxes before the deadline, separate your trash from recyclables or return your library books on time.
Wait, scratch that. I do care if you return your library books on time if I’m sitting patiently in their queues. Otherwise keep them as long as you’d like. Just don’t complain about the fines to the library clerk when you do return them. 😉
If I were to gather a few dozen of my favourite people in the world into one room you’d look around and think, “how did he end up here?” or “Wait, Lydia is friends with her?”
But dig deeper. Love is my religion.
Be liberal or conservative. Be agnostic, atheist or theist. Be straight, gay, bi or asexual. Be apathetic to any or all of these things.
But whatever you are, be love.
I wish more people thought like this!
Thank you, Arnold.