Who else is running low on new books to read?
I’m a genre omnivore. I’ve been reading quite a few non-fiction books about psychology and sociology recently, but most of them haven’t been capturing my attention longterm.
Genres I love:
- Science fiction
- Medical nonfiction
- Science
- Fairy tales
- Psychology
Genres I have the occasional, sordid fling with:
- History
- Fantasy
- Romance
- True stories about mischevious pets that you just know are going to die of cancer/old age/stupidity in the final chapter.
What I’ve read recently that was really good:
- “Dirty Secret: A Daughter Comes Clean About Her Mother’s Compulsive Hoarding“ by
- “The Blue Castle” by L.M. Montgomery.
- “Spare Parts” by Joshua Davis.
Can you recommend any books for me?
If you post a brief list of the genres you like, I’ll do the same for you!
“True stories about mischevious pets that you just know are going to die of cancer/old age/stupidity in the final chapter.”
I see now why you’re interested in more images of Bacon :). Bacon is nothing like as mischievous as the dog she replaced, another “pound hound” who went by the name of Watson, though he could as easily have been named Houdini. Watson is the reason I have a criminal record, of sorts. He had an amazing ability to escape his leash and vanish. For whatever reason dog wardens don’t like dogs to escape their protectors, thus I was found guilty of “Failing to control an animal.” I pled guilty to the charge, after all, I am an animal, and I am unable to control myself…
That’s funny! Watson sounds like he was a great dog.
Have you read ‘The Moon is a Harsh Mistress’ by Robert A Heinlein? If you aren’t squeamish I can also recommend ‘Human Parasitology’ by Bogitsh & Cheng and ‘Under the Influence’ by Milam and Ketcham.
I guess my reading list is almost as eclectic as yours.
Your blog is great.
Love from Jack
Yes, I really liked “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.”
I’m going to check my library for your other suggestions now. Very cool.