It’s Interesting to Someone

Photo by Dorothea Flodin.

Photo by Dorothea Flodin.

Longterm readers might remember how much I enjoy A Hundred Years Ago. It’s a great blog that posts excerpts from the diary of a farm girl named Helen who lived 100 years ago in McEwensville, Pennsylvania. (As an aside, I highly recommend checking out the whole site if you have any interest at all in the histories of ordinary people).

Yesterday the owner of the blog, Sheryl, asked her readers if we want to know in advance about the gaps in her grandmother’s diary. Sheryl shares all kinds of statistics and photographs from the 1910s on the days when Helen didn’t have anything to write about. What’s most surprising about it all is that Helen often doesn’t go into any details about the stuff in her life that readers in 2014 find most fascinating.

It’s understandable why she wouldn’t spend a lot of time talking about the deaths in her family during these years. They were unexpected and no doubt quite painful for everyone.

There are still so many things I wish she would have explained more clearly though. Some entries hint that she may have had a crush on someone she knew. Who was he? What did she do on the days that were left blank? Were there any entries that she wrote out but later erased? Why did she start writing? Why did she stop?

Which leads me to today’s blog topic.

Is there anything you’ve been secretly wishing I’d talk about on this blog? I like to check in with my followers once or twice a year to see what they’re thinking. I’m open to talking about anything. If anyone reads my writing a hundred years from now I’d like them to be able to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together.

If you have a blog and want ideas, I’m happy to give you some ideas as well.


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5 Responses to It’s Interesting to Someone

  1. Opa!

    Any thoughts on having dual citizenship would be interesting to me

  2. Michael Mock

    I’d like to hear more about your experiences as a masked crime fighter, but I realize you couldn’t really post about that here without giving away your secret identity and… Uh oh, I really shouldn’t have said that, should I?

  3. Pingback: One Foot in Each World | On The Other Hand

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