Here is this week’s list of photographs, blog posts and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
Ice and Snow Festival. Photographs of massive ice and snow sculptures in Harbin, Heilongjiang.
I Really Love Christmas Now That I’m an Atheist. I really wish I could say the same thing. Spending time with loved ones and eating a great meal becomes more appealing every year but it’s still overshadowed by how grouchy and short-tempered many people are in public. It sucks the joy out of December for me. 🙁
From Science as Magic:
Magic makes impossibility fun and amusing. It creates a zone where you can expect to be mistaken about how things work, and just as easily return to normal once you leave that zone. We wouldn’t want all our lives to mystify and confuse us, but being stupefied for an hour or so seems to be just fine.
Hero from Miguel Endara on Vimeo.
Habibi is a unique story I’ve been having trouble condensing into a few short sentences. It’s about the lives of and intense bond between two child slaves, Dodola and Zam, who live in the middle east.
What have you been reading?