Here is this week’s list of blog posts, photos, quotes, poetry, comics, videos and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web. (Photo credit.)
Glee Meets Dr. Dre. Imagine if a glee club decided to to sing a Dr. Dre rap song. This is not a work-safe video and I don’t recommend it for those who are easily offended by profanity. Everyone else – this is a fantastic example of how reframing a song can expose (and poke fun of) misogyny.
Monticello Slave Chefs. This video discusses how James Hemings, one of Thomas Jefferson’s slaves, earned his freedom by learning how to cook French cuisine at a time when everything was cooked over an open fire. I’d never realized before how much work it was a few hundred years ago to make even a simple meal!
Life Hacks. My favourite tip was the one that teaches you how to make an elevator zoom straight to your destination. It doesn’t seem like a nice thing to do to those who pressed buttons for other floors, though.
Holding Hands. Ack, I feel emotionally claustrophobic just reading this. 😀
Participating in a Miracle. A new twitter friend, Cathryn (StoryRoute), shares her first experience helping an ewe with a difficult labor. I had previously assumed that only humans had the occasional breech birth. (The photos do document the birth but none of them are graphic.)
This is Kind of Genius. The problem with being female online. It’s funny because it is too often true (although I have seen an improvement over the last few years…or maybe I’ve just drifted into less sexist social circles?)
A final thought:
Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it’s a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from.
– Al Franken
What have you been reading?
that lamb midwife is one brave woman.
She’s incredible!
I could never do something like that. I’d be too worried about doing more harm than good (especially as someone who has never studied the anatomy of a sheep’s reproductive system!)