Here is this week’s list of essays, poems, and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
At the Un-National Monument Along the Canadian Border. Here’s hoping that all of us live to see this day.
Why I Sit Out the Pass-the-Baby Game. I don’t go quite this far, but I definitely do share the author’s questions about what it is babies would tell us if they could speak. I suspect that some of them would strongly prefer not to be passed around so much. (Others might love it, of course). What I try to do is pay close attention to the body language of the littles ones in my life. If they don’t want to be held or keep reaching out for their parents, I don’t press the issue. There will be plenty of time to bond when they’re older, after all. 🙂
How Intelligent Do You Have to Be to Be a Parent? What an intriguing question. I don’t have an answer to it, but I found this article to be incredibly thought-provoking.
839 Reasons You Are Buying the Wrong Lettuce via TheSarahFader. Need to laugh? Click on this link.
Is It Stupid to Look on the Bright Side? via amysanomalies. I couldn’t agree with this more.
From Celtic Time-Keeping via word_seeker:
The first ploughing begins at the start of February when the ground is warmer and softer following ‘cold-time’ (December/January) and lambs are born, which perhaps is why January-February was known by the Celts as ‘Anagantios’ (stay-home time). No point jetting off on that late winter-sun holiday when all the pregnant sheep are about to drop!
What have you been reading?
“Earth abides”. A classic. I loved it.