Suggestion Saturday: January 7, 2012

Here is this week’s list of blog posts, paintings and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.

This is What Happens When You Give Thousands of Stickers to Thousands of Kids. I have one question about this art exhibit – who scraped all of those stickers away when it was finished? 🙂

Protocell Shoe Mends Itself. The design isn’t great but what an idea! Imagine only having to buy shoes once.

Dear Customer Who Stuck Up for His Little Brother. The world would be a better place if there were more people like this big brother in it.

From How Does the Brain Perceive Art? 

We want to believe that pleasure is simple, that our delight in a fine painting or bottle of wine is due entirely to the thing itself. But that’s not the way reality works…We only see the beauty because we are looking for it.

What have you been reading?


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2 Responses to Suggestion Saturday: January 7, 2012

  1. Aaron

    i’ve been reading american gods by neil gaiman. cant put it down

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