Here is this week’s list of comic strips, short stories, and other links from my favourite corners of the web.
Real Estate and Time. There’s a lot of truth to this.
Learning Japanese via Krista_Quintana. What an interesting phenomenon. I wonder how common it is?
Is Seasonal Affective Disorder a Real Thing? How to Slay the SAD Beast. All of the advice in this article was excellent.
Scrooge Through the Ages. Now I want to go reread some books to see if I still get the same messages from them.
Jump Scares (Scared of Being Scared) via SGraves612. I’m neutral on the topic of jump scares. If they’re done well, I enjoy them. What I found interesting about this post was how much thought the author put into what we find frightening and why some people enjoy getting scared.
Embrace 2017 with Positivity via ef1919. I liked this.
From I Remember the Future:
I remember the future.
The future was glorious once. It was filled with sleek silver spaceships, lunar colonies, and galactic empires. The horizon seemed within reach; we could almost grasp the stars if we would but try.