Suggestion Saturday: July 26, 2014

Here is this week’s list of blog posts, short stories, and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.

My Life in Law (a short story). I love this.

Summer Is For Skinny People via mediocreventure. Do you agree? Disagree? I’ve always been skinny to average sized, so this is a new thought to me.

14 Brilliant Pieces of Literature You Can Read in the Time it Takes to Eat Lunch. Would you believe that I’d only read about a third of these before stumbling across this list? It sure surprised me because I read so voraciously!

Staying Present and Grounded in the Age of Information Overload. Originally I was planning to quote something from this interview to whet my reader’s appetites for more, but the whole thing is incredible.

From I Can’t Even:

The other day, while reading some old horror stories, I realized that we’re sitting on a gold mine of such linguistic gambits. One hundred years ago, an American fiction author embarked on a mission of exploring precisely this aesthetic territory—the collapse of language in the face of an emotionally unhinging reality.

From Papers, Please: Why Human Civilization Makes No Sense via CantrellJason:

Let me see if I’ve got this straight.

If I want to become a part of human society and follow the prescribed path most people follow, first I need to fill out this piece of paper.

My reading list has grown thin this summer. What have you been reading?


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2 Responses to Suggestion Saturday: July 26, 2014

  1. tammy

    Current list

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