Here is this week’s list of rants, comic strips, poems, and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
Mind Your Own Womb. This is fantastic. I’ve only asked a couple of people about their reproductive plans in the past, but I regret all of those conversations. They never should have happened. It’s no one’s business but your own when, whether, how, with whom, or how many children anyone has.
But What if the Princess Was in the Tower Because She Was the Dragon? I absolutely love it when people play around with traditional fairy tale stuff like this.
Pain Remains via parmis_rad. I really like the imagery in this poem.
My Strict Mother Forced Me to Marry a Stranger When I Was 15. What a story! The ending is what made me decide to share it with you all.
The Half-Life of Love: Eight Years Later via ElaineMansfiel7. This is one of the most beautiful essays about grief that I’ve read in a long time. My grandmother died when I was a child. My family lived a few thousand miles away from where she was buried, so sometimes I’d pick dandelions and leave them on a little hill beside a neighbourhood church when I missed her and wished I could see her headstone.
Orlando Tragedy Call for Poetry via ReverieJournal. Are any of my followers interested in submitting something for this?
50 Father’s Day Jokes to Make Him Smile. Do dad jokes make me groan? Sometimes, yes. There’s something irresistibly fun about them, though, that I’ll never be able to deny. Only a parent can pull off that level of silliness and make their kids laugh no matter how old the kids are.
What have you been reading?
Thanks so much for sharing my article. For me, the small personal rituals I create each day are a healing and soothing force. You can make your own headstone for your grandma, even now, indoor or out, an altar or flower garden–or anything you want.
You’re welcome. Thank you for stopping by! That’s a very interesting idea you have as well. 🙂