Here is this week’s list of comic strips and other links from my favourite corners of the web.
Antihistamine. Spring is right around the corner. This comic strip is a funny reminder of what those of us with seasonal allergies are about to begin experiencing.
Why I Left Facebook via LizaDunkel. More and more people I know are abandoning their Facebook accounts. I wonder how much longer that site will last?
When Do You Identify as an American? via dehaggerty. I’ve noticed that I’ve begun to call myself Canadian far more often than I call myself an American even though I’m a citizen of both countries. Canada feels more like home to me than the U.S. ever did.
‘Strong’ Black Woman? ‘Smart’ Asian Man? The Downside To Positive Stereotypes. This was some very good food for thought.
Remap Are Changing Lives with Innovative Design via RemapUK. What a cool way to help people living with disabilities become more independent.
Minecraft as a Fantasy Story. My post from a few days ago is getting some attention elsewhere online. It’s always cool when that happens.
How to Make Friends as an Adult – and Why It’s Important. Yeah, I need to start doing this. Do you?
From Winning Arguments Doesn’t Make You Right:
As an veteran winner of arguments, lemme tell you why the man is right. Because I had a shameful habit of debating with lovers about what was “fair” in our relationships.
I won every argument. Rationally. Coldly. Cleanly.
They all left me because I was a dick.