Here is this week’s list of blog posts, poems, tardy passes, and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
On the River. This looks like one of the final scenes of a fantasy adventure novel. The heroes have slayed the dragon and buried their dead. All that remains now is to paddle up the final river and see what awaits them at home. Will their families be standing on the shore to greet them? How will they adjust to an ordinary, safe life after all they’ve seen and done? Sometimes it feels like the fantasy genre spends so much time focusing on the mission that it overlooks these kinds of questions.
Guerilla Tardy Passes Appear on the TTC. I found one last weekend and took it home. Funny stuff.
Chewing on Art via geofflepard. Before you click on this link, think about how you react to seeing a wad of used, dried out gum on the street.
Life is Not a Test via ChristyBarongan. There’s something to be said for knowing what you aren’t.
Sing Me Your Scars. One of the most interesting science fiction stories I’ve read in a long time. It does include some elements of the horror genre as well, but it isn’t gory.
From Faux Dentifrice via joshuamneff:
i will set this day on fire with the curiosity of a cat
the day oh this day with a fruitful fire
What have you been reading?
This is what I’m reading:
Looks good!