Here is this week’s list of comic strips, blog posts, and other links from my favourite corners of the web.
National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day! via FloBarnett1. If not for my allergies (and the animal allergies of many of my loved ones), I’d sure like to have a dog or cat. The second best thing to actually getting to go to the shelter and pick out your own new pet is to read about how other people have chosen theirs.
Look Stupid, Ask for Help. I haven’t been good at this in the past, but I’m sure trying to change that. How about you?
The Five Stages of Small Talk. If you’ve ever found small talk perplexing or irritating, this comic strip is for you.
Kindfulness, the New Mindfulness via littlelegsfit. Have you ever thought about the connection between being kind and being mindful before?
What I’ve Learned in Six Months from Two Backpacks and a Suitcase via NomadicThunker. I’m not the sort of person who enjoys traveling very often, but this post was a very interesting take on the subject from someone who loves it.
France Seizes from Man Who’s Had It Since ‘94, so He Sues. This is just plain odd. I hope this man receives a lot of money for the theft of his site, if not the return of it entirely.
Why I Hate Talking on the Telephone. I have the same reasons for avoiding phone calls. Maybe it’s an introvert thing?