Happy Thanksgiving, American readers! Here is this week’s list of blog posts, short stories, recipes, poetry, and other links from my favourite corners of the web.
Pumpkin Pie With a Nut Crust via maria_mckenzie. Wow, this looks delicious.
A New Gratitude via seanpaulmahoney. Thanksgiving honestly isn’t at the top of the list of my favourite holidays, but I really like what this author has to say about balancing all of the different ways to think about what it represents.
Allergen Friendly and Vegan Pumpkin Pie Tarts. These sound delicious and very appropriate for this time of the year.
The Feast. Can you guess what this is about?
Ughhhhh…Fkn Eggs! via Iedab. Go read this if you’re having trouble with something you’re baking or cooking today. It’s such a humorous take on what it’s like when an ingredient or dish doesn’t look/taste quite right.
Thanksgiving: Thank Those Who Deserve the Praise. My friend Bruce has posted a lot of great articles on his site over the years. This is one of his most recent ones, and it just so happens to fit today’s theme perfectly.
Roles of Potatoes in Diets a Hundred Years Ago. Mashed potatoes (with gravy, of course!) continues to be one of the first dishes I reach for on Thanksgiving. I thought this was an interesting look at how people ate potatoes a century ago when there was far less processed food available.
7 Ways to Support People Who Are Estranged From Their Families Over the Holidays. The blogger who wrote this was full of excellent advice.
First Thanksgiving. Wow, this was well-written.
Thanksgiving Turkey. Vegan and vegetarian friends, this post is 100% safe for you.
Old-Fashioned Spiced Cranberries. I don’t like fresh cranberry sauce, but I do like the canned version. I wonder if I’d like this one? Will any of you be trying it?
From Wielding and Yielding via daveryshiftn:
It was Ilene’s idea to include Marge’s senile mother for Thanksgiving.
“Everyone just be whoever she thinks you are. It’ll be fine.”
From This Is Why the President Pardons a Turkey Every Year:
Every year, the U.S. president holds a National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation sparing a turkey from a Thanksgiving table. Instead, the birds are sent to a farm to live out their lives in peace…But why does the Commander in Chief spend time pardoning a bird?