Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Canadian readers! I’ve decided to split up my holiday-themed links between the dates when Canadians and Americans celebrate this holiday since most of my readers come from one of these two countries.
I was originally planning to put a traditional Thanksgiving picture in this post, but this photo was too funny to pass over. I have no idea what the model in it is doing, but I hope that all of your squash are cooked and preferably made into delicious pies this weekend.
Without further ado, here is this week’s list of recipes, memories, blog posts, and other links from my favourite corners of the web.
Thanksgiving Cake via NiloufersKtchn. Ooh, this looks good!
Thanksgiving in Germany. Had my ancestors remained in Germany, I might be getting ready for Erntedank instead this weekend. It was quite interesting to read about how this holiday is observed over there.
5 Ways to Have a Sustainable Thanksgiving. I especially liked the idea of turning leftovers into soup.
Vegan Pumpkin Spice Cake. Desserts are one of my favourite parts of Thanksgiving dinner. Can you tell?
Talking Turkey: Thanksgiving Traditions and a Sperm Donor via AmberLeventry. I love the fact that this blogger is so interested in helping her children develop relationships with their donor siblings. What a wonderful way to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Getting Ready for the Holidays: Eating Pie on a Weight-Loss Diet. While I don’t worry about counting calories or eating a healthy diet on Thanksgiving, this post has some great tips for reducing your calorie count if this is something you’ll be thinking about when you decide what kind of dessert to have.
A Special Reason Why I Celebrate Thanksgiving in Mexico via fabiolaofmexico. This sounds like so much fun.
Perfectly Nerdy Thanksgiving Feast Ideas: A Recipe Round-Up. The fact that this blogger found a way to include everything from Harry Potter to Alice in Wonderland to The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe was impressive.
Perpetual and Universal Peace: A Message of Thanksgiving in 1814 via 18thCand19thC. I found it fascinating to see how people viewed this holiday 200+ years ago.