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This isn’t Champis, but it does look a lot like him. (The actual photos of him can be found in the links in this post).
This video was created by a Finnish farmer, but it doesn’t matter whether or not you can speak that language.
About 11 years ago, Champis was a rabbit who lived on a quiet farm in Finland. One day Champis decided to start herding sheep, and his humans soon made a video about his adventures in the sheep pen: Champis – den vallande kaninen*
(YouTube wouldn’t let me embed the video, but the link above should take you to it. The video is about five minutes long).
Nobody trained Champis to behave this way, and it’s not typical behaviour for a rabbit. His humans were just as surprised as the rest of the world was.
What makes it even funnier is that Champis’ son, Champis Junior, eventually became a sheep herder as well.
You all know how much I love rabbits. I have all sorts of videos, gifs, and photos of rabbits doing interesting things tucked away for when I need something to make me smile. This is one of my all-time favourites.
*Kaninen means rabbit in Finnish. Online translation pages haven’t been able to tell me what den vallande means, so please share if you know of a good translation for it.
Edit: Thank you to Judy Thomas for sharing this translation: “Vallande translates to herding, I found… so probably, Champis, the herding rabbit.”