Tag Archives: Short Story

A Review of Nor Gloom of Night

Book cover for Nor Gloom of Night by C M Weller. Image on cover is a simple drawing of a white envelope that is being propped up by a purple, mouse-shaped cat toy that has a green patch on it’s back that’s possibly from where a cat bit the toy too much. Title: Nor Gloom of Night

Author: C M Weller

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: August 9, 2012

Genres: Science Fiction

Length: 23 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author.

Rating: 3 Stars


Paul has been called a “glorified mailman” by his peers, but he sees it as a sacred duty. Now, with the “little problem” of a big rock through half his vessel, he has to do everything he can -including the unthinkable- to deliver. The mail must get through.

Content Warning: Accidental deaths of people and of one pet.


Being a glorified mailman isn’t half as easy as it may sound.

Paul’s grumpiness and low levels in trust in humanity as a whole was a little irritating to me until I understood where he was coming from, but I appreciated the chance to change my mind about him. Honestly, he had some good points to make about how some companies are willing to cut corners in order to save a few pennies even if they risk their reputations – or, a million times worse, the health and safety of their customers – in the process. It was also interesting to see how the rough portions of his personality were smoothed out by his deep love of his cat, Liz, as well as his wife and child. Of course someone might be grouchy if they were under as much stress as he was when the audience first met him! Getting to know him better was a good thing even if I would have taken a slightly different approach to his dilemma.

I struggled with the plot holes in this short story, especially in the final scene. As much as I wanted to give this one a higher rating, I had too many questions about the logistics of what happened to do so. This was especially true when it came to explaining how cryonic suspension works in this universe and what it was and wasn’t capable of doing for someone medically speaking. Yes, there is a certain suspension of disbelief that needs to occur when reading science fiction, but including more science in this fiction would have encouraged me to bump this one up by at least a star.

With that being said, the ending was fantastic. Science fiction can be a heavy genre at times depending on who one reads, so I was pleasantly surprised by how much hope could be found in this piece. That’s something I always love to discover in speculative fiction, especially these days, and it encourages me to hopefully read more from this author soon.

Nor Gloom of Night made me smile.

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Filed under Science Fiction and Fantasy

A Review of The Broken Home

Book cover for The Broken Home by Rudolph Kohn. Image on cover shows part of a stone building with a window in it. Most of the rest of the building has been destroyed. These ruins are set against a cloudy desert background. A few rays of light are poking through and illuminating the scene and the few plants growing in the soil beneath it. Title: The Broken Home

Author: Rudolph Kohn

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: August 12, 2024

Genres: Science Fiction

Length: 16 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author.

Rating: 3 stars


Over ten thousand years in the future, mankind has spread to the stars… but the Earth Empire was left behind, and the birthplace of mankind was lost–first to tyrants, and then to the obscurity of history. However, when an explorer stumbles onto the once-great planet, not a single person has survived. The planet itself goes up for auction, and the buyer seeks to understand what happened, so long ago. The Broken Home is a short story about the excavation of the greatest fortress the Earth Empire ever built.

Content Warning: References to an ancient war and death.


Anyone can learn from the past if they listen closely.

Science fiction fans who have been immersed in this genre for a long time will probably be able to figure out what is happening in this tale fairly quickly, but that isn’t a criticism of this piece. Not everything needs  shocking plot twists in order to be worth reading! What mattered more was seeing how Jenkins and Marley reacted to what they discovered about humanity’s past when they returned to Earth to see if there was anything interesting left behind there. I sympathized with the mixture of emotions they experienced as they uncovered something that no living person was aware of. Honestly, I probably would have behaved the same way if I were in their shoes!

As this short story was heavily centred on its plot development, I would have liked to see more attention paid to how humanity evolved over ten thousand years. That is a long period of time in which all sorts of incredible – or terrible – things could have happened, and I found myself wishing for more details about what the characters knew about their recent and distant past. This easily could have been expanded into a novella or full-length novel, and I would have happily read a much longer version of it.

One of the things I liked the most about this piece was how it reacted to the idea of history being something that is always changing as new information is added and old assumptions possibly being reinterpreted by the newest generation. Some things might be lost in the mists of time depending on record keeping and how much current historians know about a specific era, but that doesn’t mean it’s hopeless. There is always the possibility of change as this field develops and new perspectives are considered. I know this paragraph is vague, but I’m trying to avoid spoilers while also sharing the wonder of how quickly our assumptions can shift given the right variables. That is to say, keep an open mind while reading this!

The Broken Home piqued my curiousity.


Filed under Science Fiction and Fantasy

Newlywed Questions: A Review of The Ring and the Knife

Book cover for The Ring and the Knife by Benjamin Parsons. Image on cover shows a black and white drawing of a shirtless white man and a white woman who is wearing a long, flowing dress. They are standing in a graveyard during a time of year when there are no leaves on the trees. It’s probably very cold there, so why don’t they have the common sense to dress warmly for the weather? She looks pensive and he’s pointing at something behind them and trying to get her to turn around and see what it is. Title: The Ring and the Knife

Author: Benjamin Parsons

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: March 11, 2023

Genres: Romance, Paranormal, Historical

Length: 32 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author.

Rating: 4 Stars


Something happened to William Mortimore in Berecombe churchyard, many years ago – something he can’t quite remember. When he unexpectedly finds himself that little country village again, fragments of the past start to haunt him – and lure him to uncover a forgotten secret.
Berecombe – why does William remember the name of that little village? When was he there before? What happened to him that day in the churchyard, long ago? Why can’t he remember? Why does he feel compelled to return? As the questions smother him, he searches to understand the dreadful, portentous meeting his memory has supressed – the terrible secret of his own past.

Content Warning: Murder. I will not discuss it in my review.


Cemeteries are as full of answers as they are of new questions.

Romance isn’t a genre I visit very often, so it’s quite the compliment for me to mention how much I loved this one. William and his wife were deeply in love and determined to enjoy their honeymoon when the audience met them in the first scene. I looked forward to getting to know them better and was pleased with what was shared. Newlyweds are so full of hope that this particular pair created a nice contrast between their happiness and the sad things that were happening in the churchyard they decided to visit.

There was a plot hole involving William’s past that I wish had been given more time to develop as the order of events for it never quite made sense to me. Some of these moments were shared non-linearly, so it took me a little bit to piece them together and come up with a reasonable explanation of what must have occurred. If more attention had been paid to this issue, I would have happily gone for a full five-star rating.

With that being said, I enjoyed the plot twists that were revealed later on. They created a satisfying mixture of romantic and paranormal themes that made me wonder what else the characters were about to discover about that quiet little pocket of the countryside that felt so peaceful but was simultaneously filled with intrigue and uncertainty, too. What a treat it was to dig more deeply with them as they pushed forward to figure out why William’s memory had a large blank spot in it.

The Ring and the Knife was romantic and eerie.

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Filed under Science Fiction and Fantasy

A Review of The Witch of Cromer

Book cover for The Witch of Cromer by Benjamin Parsons. image on cover shows a black, white, and grey drawing of a woman wearing a long white dress and white veil. her long hair whips out behind her as if she’s facing the wind. She’s holding a wand in one hand and a large crab in the other and gazing intently at the crab. Around her neck is a large black scarf with white crosses or x’s on it. Title: The Witch of Cromer

Author: Benjamin Parsons

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: December 2, 2011

Genres: Fantasy

Length: 34 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author.

Rating: 4 Stars


Besotted Steven is so desperate to make Bridget love him that he decides to try supernatural means to win her heart. But is he ready to face the consequences of dabbling in witchcraft? And dare he try to outwit the famous and fatal Witch of Cromer? Part of the collection The Green Lady and Other Stories.

Content Warning: Murder


Love is a gift…right?

While this wasn’t specifically set during Valentine’s Day, the themes reminded me of the pressure society puts on people to couple up. Steven believed his life wouldn’t be complete unless he could share it with Bridget, and he was determined to convince her to feel the same way. Unrequited love is a painful but normal chapter in life for many of us, so I enjoyed the author’s take on what could happen when this feeling slammed up against the societal expectation that everyone ought to find their special someone.

There was a small but purposeful mistake Steven made early on that I wished had been revisited in greater detail. Would his fate had been different if he had made a different choice instead, or would he have ended up in the same place in life either way? I’m the sort of reader who looks forward to pondering about these sorts of loose ends, but in this particular case I think the storyline would have been even stronger if the author had spent even a few sentences on in the final scene to give the audience some hint as to what he thought might have happened if that earlier moment in Steven’s life had turned out differently.

The twist at the end was something I wondered about in advance, but it wasn’t the sort of thing that has to be a surprise in order to be satisfying. I liked the way it answered some of the most important questions this reader had while also leaving room for interpretation for most of the other stuff that wasn’t wrapped up succinctly. If this review inspires any of you to check out this tale for yourselves, I’d be excited to hear your takes on it as well as your theories about what might have happened next. There are so many details I had to leave out here in order to avoid spoilers, but this was a thought-provoking spin on love and romance for sure.

The Witch of Cromer was a wild ride.



Filed under Science Fiction and Fantasy

A Review of I Wish, I Wish

Book cover for I Wish, I Wish by C M Weller. Image on cover shows a wooden African mask whose dreadlocked-hair is actually made of spent bullet casings. It’s a cool and unsettling piece of art! Title: I Wish, I Wish

Author: C. M. Weller

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: October 4, 2016

Genres: Horror, Paranormal, Contemporary

Length: 10 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author.

Rating: 5 Stars


They always say, “be careful what you wish for”, and Shannon knew that better than anyone. Yet, when the need is great, temptation looms. What would you do, if you had the chance for one wish to come true?

Content Warning: Bullying, destruction of property, and an unknown viral illness.


Justice comes in many forms.

Shannon was a likeable protagonist I immediately began rooting for. Not only was she significantly physically disabled, she was being raised by a low-income single mother who had limited help. There were so many things stacked against this family that I desperately wanted them to finally catch a break and have something go their way for one.  They needed a chance to thrive after all they’d been through together.

The paranormal elements of the storyline were subtle at first but grew stronger over time which was the perfect decision for this piece. I enjoyed seeing how Sharon slowly came to the realization that her wish might actually have been granted and that the plot twists were not a coincidence but were building up to something that both the protagonist and the audience would need to think about.

This tale had one of those glorious endings that made me say, “wait, what just happened?” I mean that in a good way as I immediately flipped back a couple of pages to see if my understanding was correct and if the final scene had really been wrapped up the way it had. In retrospect, it made perfect sense given everything that had happened before, but it also caught me off-guard a little due to how some of the earlier scenes played around with the audience’s expectations about what might happen next. It’s delightful to be surprised like that.

I Wish, I Wish made me question my assumptions about what I’d do to make the world a better place with just one wish.


Filed under Science Fiction and Fantasy

Winter Gloom: A Review of The Revenge

Book cover for The Revenge by Benjamin Parsons. Image on cover shows a black and white drawing of a pale-skinned and possibly white woman who has long, black dreadlocks that would drag on the floor if she’d let it do so. She is snarling and looking just up to the right of the viewer. She’s holding a folded-up rope in her left hand and some sort of weapon in her right hand. I shuddered when I looked at her. Very intimidating! Title: The Revenge

Author: Benjamin Parsons

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: March 20, 2023

Genres: Horror, Paranormal

Length: 32 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author

Rating: 4 stars


Who haunts the third floor of that shabby seaside hotel – and why? Do the dead thirst for revenge? And if they do – can they ever be satisfied?
In a run-down seaside hotel out of season, a ghost is seen haunting the third floor – a tempting treat for any idle supernatural enthusiast. But what drives the spirit to stalk through the night? What sort of tragedy has brought it back from the dead, hell-bent on revenge? Part of the collection The Green Lady and Other Stories.

Content Warning:


Gloomy days are perfect for a haunting.

The skeptical tone of this tale was one of my favorite things about it. The protagonist was intrigued by the rumours of a haunting that were being passed around the hotel, but he also had some understandable suspicions about what was going on. No, I’m not going to spoil anything by sharing whether or not his questions were valid or what various people might have actually witnessed. You’ll have to read this for yourself if you’d like to form your own opinions. What I can say is that it’s refreshing to read a ghost story – or maybe a “ghost” story – written about a character who think critically and doesn’t take much at face value.

While I believe I understand the chilling point the author was making, it would have been helpful to have more time to digest and comprehend the ending. Suddenly dropping off like that made me wonder if I’d missed something earlier. After reflecting upon it, I wonder if this was done intentionally to help the reader feel just as shocked as the narrator did, but I would have liked to have some confirmation that this was the impression I was supposed to walk away with. Understanding a storyteller’s perspective is so important, after all.

With that being said, I loved the way this piece captured the monotony of winter. Even though it was technically set in October, the dark, cloudy skies had already formed over the beach and seaside hotel. This could have easily occurred in January instead and it would have had the same damp and dark tone to it when every day like the one before it and there are months to go before its warm and sunny outside again.

I am hoping to review more of Mr. Parsons work in the future, so stay tuned.

The Revenge expects some audience participation…and I think that’s a good thing!


Filed under Science Fiction and Fantasy

Never Forgotten: A Review of Four New Ghost Stories

Book cover for Four New Ghost Stories by Nicholas Foster. There’s a lot going on in this image, so bear with me. The central figure in the image looks like how Buddhist monks - or maybe Buddha himself - were drawn in China several hundred years ago. He has very white skin, is sitting cross legged, is wearing a loose,comfortable white robe with blue trim on the collar and sleeves and an orange collar, and is holding his right thumb and index finger in front of his chest as if to steady his thoughts. He has a contemplative expression on his face and his hat repeats the same colour scheme as his robe except that it’s much more blue and has an orange trim on it. Behind him are two orange-brown skinned people who are also sitting cross legged. They are leaning out on either side of him as if to make their presence known to the viewers. They are wearing white robes with a large orange stripe on each one. There is an orange circle painted above the largest figure’s head. It’s not a halo, exactly, but it looks like one. This entire image looks weather beaten as if it’s survived several centuries of changing temperatures before you and I gazed upon it today.

Title: Four New Ghost Stories

Author: Nicholas Foster

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: October 25, 2024

Genres: Paranormal, Horror, Historical

Length: 59 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author.

Rating: 3 Stars


Ghost stories more thoughtful than violent but where the past can meet the present in a sharp, sharp shock. Ghost stories for historians and ghost stories for the curious. These four stories (‘Raising a Ghost’, ‘The Menagerie’, ‘The Yorkshire Painter’ and ‘Acts of Kindness’) are a blend of history and crime where the emphasis is always on the characters and the lives they lead. They are stories as puzzles and stories with an after-life.

Content Warning: The 1918 flu. A human-ape chimera. Alcoholism. I won’t discuss any of these topics in my review.


A cold, dark winter day is the ideal time for a ghost story.

I love it when a collection is small enough for me to review every tale in it! Let’s dive in immediately.

An old family secret involving marriage was revealed in “Raising a Ghost.” As someone who has discovered a few surprises in her own family tree, I was intrigued by the protagonist’s desire to learn more about the woman in the long blue dress and finally uncover what their grandfather had been hiding for so many years. This felt like nonfiction to me at times because of how many details were left vague and how much work had to be done to discover even the basics about this woman and her life. Often the lives of ordinary people are only recorded in rare records and many of our questions about them must be patiently pursued with no guarantee that one will have them answered.

There’s something romantic about towns that have seen their best days but still trudge forward with a diminished population, and the descriptions of one such place in “The Menagerie” made me wonder what it was like in its heyday when more visitors came to visit the seaside in the summer. I struggled with the lack of detail here, especially when it came to what Giles discovered when his interview was cancelled and he found himself with an extra day to wander around town and explore old wonders that later generations were rapidly forgetting. More information about what was going on would have really helped.

Rachel’s criticisms of the fickle art industry were attention grabbing in “The Yorkshire Painter,” and they provided a memorable framework for discussing the life of a nearly completely forgotten eighteenth century painter named Conderton. I adored the twists in this one and would have happily read a full-length novel on the subject as Rachel shared what we know about this painter and how the art world decides who to celebrate and who to overlook until decades or even centuries after their death.

”Acts of Kindness” explored the life of Bishop Sawley, a kind old man who had served small parishes for decades before retiring at Lambeth House where he carried out occasional advisory duties for the Archbishop but otherwise enjoyed a well-earned retirement now that he was well into his ninth decade of life. When a group of Tibetan monks came to pay Lambeth House a visit, the Bishop’s fortunes suddenly changed. I enjoyed the questions this story brought up about how the past affects the present and how someone should react to the more difficult chapters of the past.

Keep an eye out for possible connections between these tales as you read. That’s all I can say without giving away spoilers, but it was fun to figure such things out.

Four New Ghost Stories was a satisfying read.

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A Review of A Divine Tale

Book cover for A Divine Tale by Jonathan Antony Strickland. Image on cover shows a few dozen small snow people that have been built next to each tower. They each look to be about 1-2 feet high. Each snowman has a face made of things like coal or carrots or little rocks, but each face is different from the next. Some look angry while others are worried, surprised, thoughtful, or bored depending on how you interpret the placement of their eyebrows, mouth, eyes, and nose. Title: A Divine Tale

Author: Jonathan Antony Strickland

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: September 8, 2012

Genres: Fantasy, Humour

Length: 13 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author.

Rating: 3 Stars


This is a story about Seglaman the Snow God, and how other God’s use his sorry tale as a reminder to younger less experienced God’s as a warning to never become too comfortable when ruling over mortals who worship them.


Kindness matters.

While religion was discussed in this tale, this was not at all what I’d consider the inspirational genre. For one thing, the protagonist was a Snow God who, to be frank, was not the nicest deity around. Mr. Strickland also wasn’t shy about pointing out some of the dangers of blindly following any sort of belief whether it’s religious, political, ideological, or otherwise. My hope is that other readers will be intrigued by this approach to what can be a sensitive topic for some and willing to listen with an open mind regardless of your personal beliefs.

This came across to me as more of the first draft of a story than the finished product. There wasn’t much time spent on character or plot development, and that made it more difficult for me to remain interested in what was happening than I hoped I would be.  A lot was going on here with Seglaman’s relationship with the mortals he ruled over that I wished had been explained in greater detail. As much as I wanted to give this tale a higher rating, I had too many lingering questions to do so.

With that being said, the ending made me smile. It veered off into the direction I was hoping it would head, so I was able to see Seglaman’s reaction to something he never saw coming in advance. My apologies for keeping this vague, but other readers should be pleasantly surprised by those moments like I was. It went a long way in tying up loose ends for a Snow God and the mortals he ruled over alike.

A Divine Tale was thought provoking.


Filed under Science Fiction and Fantasy

When Wishes Come True: A Review of Grey Goo Ticky Tack


Book cover for “Grey Goo Ticky Tack” by C M Weller. Image on cover shows several dozen legos piled up on a white surface. One yellow lego is separated from the rest and has a smiling mouth on it. You know, the sort of upwardly bent line you would see on a smiley face but without the two black dots for eyes. Title: Grey Goo Ticky Tack

Author: C M Weller

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: October 5, 2022

Genres: Science Fiction, LGBTQ+

Length: 10 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author.

Rating: 5 Stars


They thought they had invented a cure for all the world’s problems. It would mean the end of every source of complaint in society. Unfortunately, they were solving the wrong problem. Solving the people seen as the problem is not solving the problem at all.

Content Warning: Homophobia and ableism.


Just about everyone wants an easier life, but not everyone is willing or able to pay the cost of one.

The beginning caught me off guard due to how quickly people accepted the solution for all the world’s problems. I was expecting there to be more conflict in this section, but I soon understood why the author wrote it that way and thought their reasons made sense given some later plot twists that revealed more information about what the solution entailed and how it affected those who accepted it.

This feeling popped up again once or twice as I moved into the middle portion of the plot when I would normally expect to see conflicts become more pressing and characters more eager to solve their woes. In a world without problems, things must unfold in more creative ways that don’t always strictly adhere to the storytelling stages we’re all accustomed to. As someone who reads a lot of science fiction and speculative fiction, I applaud anyone who is willing to take these sorts of risks with these genres. It’s exactly what we need to keep both new and longtime fans engaged with the sorts of questions and ideas these genres explore.

What catapulted this tale firmly into five star territory for me was the final few sentences. They cleared up my lingering confusion and provided a plot twist that made me reevaluate everything I’d just learned about these characters and the solution to every one of humanity’s problems. If you are also a little confused earlier on, keep reading. That final scene was fantastic and couldn’t have wrapped everything up together in a more satisfying way.

Grey Goo Ticky Tack was an excellent example of why I love short stories so much.


Filed under Science Fiction and Fantasy

A Review of The Reverse

Book cover for The Reverse by Benjamin Parsons. Image on cover is a black and white drawing of a white woman wearing an ornate dress that appears to be from the late Middle Ages. There is lace on her cuffs and collar and plants embroidered onto the bodice and skirt of her dress. Her lace collar is standing straight up around her head like petals on a flower. It looks stiff and uncomfortable, to be honest. This image has a green background. Title: The Reverse

Author: Benjamin Parsons

Publisher: Self-Published

Publication Date: January 9, 2023

Genres: Romance, Paranormal, Historical

Length: 18 pages

Source: I received a free copy from the author

Rating: 3 Stars


An old man tells a tale of his youth, when one snowy night he accepted an invitation to stay in a remote castle. His lovely hostess is so charming that he forgets his broken heart and falls in love with her. But what is the uncanny secret of this ancient castle and its ancient family? Why do the seasons seem to change every morning when he awakes? And is his beloved really what she seems to be… or just the reverse? Part of the collection The Green Man and Other Stories.

Content Warning: Death. Broken engagement. Grief. Brief references to Candlemas, a Christian winter holiday.


Winter isn’t the best time for traveling.

There was some interesting lore here that required me to think about it carefully to put it together. I especially enjoyed the reactions of the townsfolk in one of the early scenes when they were asked for directions to find Belvay castle. Characters in general would be well served by slowing down and asking the opinions of locals before gallivanting off to find, in this case, a mysterious castle, but if they were sensible enough to do that we wouldn’t have half as many stories to read about what happens when one throws caution to the wind. I know I’m talking circles around the lore here, but I really do want everyone to discover it without any assumptions about what they’re about to read. Just know that it’s worth the time and effort in my opinion.

While the narrator had recently finished grieving a few tragic events in his life and was not in the right state of mind to be making big decisions about what he wanted to do next, I still found myself wishing he had gone into more detail about what was going on at Belvay castle. My impression of this piece was that it was a whirlwind of scenes that didn’t leave the reader much time for contemplation. There were good reasons for it to be written that way that I will allow others to discover for themselves, but this reader would have benefited from as little as one additional scene that provided more context for why things unfurled the way that they did.

The romantic themes in this tale were heavily tinged with grief, anxiety, and an impending sense of doom. This is something I’m mentioning in my review because I want to attract readers who are interested in such things and warn those of you who prefer every ending to be a happy one that this may not be what you’re expecting.  With that being said, this is the sort of romance I prefer to read if I’m going to dip my toes into that genre. Sometimes a situation feels odd for excellent reasons, and I enjoyed seeing how the unnamed old man responded to what should have been a happy moment in his life.

The Reverse was a wild ride.

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