Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’ve Had Dreams About

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A photo of an unmade bed whose white rumpled covers have been pulled back to air out the white sheets for a while. Or maybe this person simply didn’t want to make the bed! Above the bed there is a headboard that has a small lamp on it as well as a series of paintings of four colourful and possibly tropical birds hanging on the white wall above. My vivid imagination sometimes spills over into the dream world, and with this freebie post I finally get to talk about them today. Here are several books I’ve had dreams about over the years.

1. The Clan of the Cave Bear series by Jean M. Auel

My Dream: It involved hunting mammoths near a glacier and then triumphantly bringing as much meat home with my fellow hunters as we could carry. The ground was rocky and uneven, so I worried about tripping as I sprinted over it. I also remember how itchy my wrap was, how the perspiration trickled down my body as I ran even though it was a chilly day, and how elated I felt when the hunt ended. (I was not the person whose spear brought down the mammoth, though).


2. Minecraft: The Island (Official Minecraft Novels, #1) by Max Brooks

(Did you all know this is a book series as well as a video game?)

My Dream: I was the Steve character in the dream, and I was attempting to build a shelter before night fell and the monsters came out. Daylight was not lasting as long as it should, so I was rushing to finish my work. I woke up when a creeper snuck up behind me and blew everything up.


3. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood

My Dream: After being assigned to be a Handmaid, I quietly began looking for a way to escape. Could I trust the other Handmaids not to report me to the Aunts? I wasn’t sure, but I wanted to bring as many of them with me as I could. All I needed was the chance to start running and never look back.


4. The Abominable Snowman (Choose Your Own Adventure, #13) by R.A. Montgomery

(I am not 100% sure this was the particular Choose Your Own Adventure book that gave me a nightmare as I was only about 9 or 10 when it happened, but it was something similar to this title at the very least).

My Dream: It started in the middle of the book as I was trying to hide from the monster. I could see the words of the current page projected in front of me and needed to decide which option to take. No matter which option I chose, though, the monster always found me in the end. The dream repeated a few times before I woke up frightened.

Which books, if any, have you had dreams about?



Filed under Blog Hops, Personal Life

50 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’ve Had Dreams About

  1. This is a very unique and cool topic!! I am afraid that Handmaid’s Tale is more looking like it might become my reality. 🙁 I had a dream similar after watching a few episodes and never went back. lol

  2. Oh wow, I don’t think I have ever had dreams based on books that I’ve read but I know that the feelings I have while reading a book translate into my dreams. I’ve been reading very action-packed murder-y fantasy lately that feel very intense and high-stakes and my dreams of late have been extremely weird but all have the same vibe. 🤣 Love this choice of topic!

  3. Wow, talk about a unique take to the freebie. I’m not sure that I’ve ever dreamt about a book, though I have had dreams including Star Trek….

  4. Wow, I love this. I don’t think I’ve ever had a dream specifically about a book I’ve read. How fun😁

  5. I don’t think I’d want to remember a Handmaid’s Tale dream if I did have one!!

  6. OMG, this is amazing. It does happen to me from time to time, I should write them down.
    Here is my post:

  7. As a kid, there were two or three movies I saw that gave me nightmares, but I cannot remember that a book ever did. There are definitely some stories that probably COULD though (some of those mystery/horror books in the world look so creepy!). I just don’t read them. Thanks so much for visiting my list today! 🙂

  8. This is a very cool topic! I can’t remember any books that I’ve had dreams about, though. (I’m honestly not surprised, as I remember very, VERY few dreams. I have maybe two dreams a year that are vivid enough for me to remember them in the morning, and maybe 5 total that I still remember now.)

    • Thank you.

      That’s so interesting! Have you always had this experience or is it something new for you? I know we dream every night, and I don’t always wake up with memories of my dreams. But I remember at least some of them. 🙂

  9. Good topic. I thought of the Handmaid’s Tale all through the US election.

  10. Okay, this is another fabulous topic! I don’t *think* I have had dreams about the books I am reading, but I know I have fallen asleep thinking about some and woken up the next morning with them still on my mind.

  11. Oh this is such a fun topic! I love how well you remember your dreams! I don’t think I’ve dreamt about books before, but I also hardly ever really remember my dreams so maybe I did and I forgot when I woke up.

  12. Love this idea! I am impressed that you remember them so well. I’ve read the Minecraft book too as an audiobook (narrated by Jack Black!) and HOLY CRAP I can’t imagine the tension of having to feel like you’re living that in a dream xD Even just listening was so stressful!!

  13. This is such a creative and unique post!!!

  14. And that’s why I struggle with reading books with too much scary stuff. I can’t even watch scary movies because my mind won’t stop playing them on repeat, especially when I’m about to go to bed.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  15. I don’t think I’ve ever dreamed about a book but I understand why you would dream about The Handmaid’s Tale. I haven’t read the book but watch the series on Hulu. It seems like something that can happen, making it slightly terrifying and mesmerizing all at the same time.

  16. This is a great idea for a topic. I’ve never dreamed about a book in my sleep, but I’ve daydreamed about them plenty. Usually about what i thought should happen next (if i hadn’t finished a book) or what i thought should have happened if i was not satisfied with it, or an alternative series of events where I’m somehow inserted into the storyline…

  17. What a great idea for a freebie! Love this! Happy Tuesday!

  18. Hmm…would the Republic of Gilead find a way to persuade me to be an Aunt, or send me to clean up toxic waste? Probably the latter…

    Auntie Pris

  19. Oh wow… I would be terrified to have a dream related to The Handmaid’s Tale!

  20. Woah this is a very cool and specific theme, I love that you’ve had dreams about book and that you can remember them too! I’ve been meaning to read The Clan of the Cave Bear series for years! A nightmare about The Handmaid’s Tale sounds awful though 😖😖!

    My TTT is here:

  21. I am going to have to remember this prompt because I’ve dreamed about a lot of the books I’ve read. I am so impressed by your memory of what happened in the dream. Bravo!

  22. Okay, these are amazing book-focused dreams!

  23. That is so interesting! I can’t recall ever having a dream inspired by a book. Must be a relief waking up after dreaming about The Handmaid’s Tale

  24. vidya

    I have had dreams inspired by books for sure though can’t recall any at this point (maybe I should noting them down..) but your dreams definitely would have woken me up..

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