Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Spring 2024 TBR

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

There are four stacks of books in the background of this image that have about 6-8 books in each stack. No spines, authors, or titles can be seen in these stacks. The three books in the foreground have been wrapped up multiple times with a rough, brown, thick string that might be twine. There is a large pink cloth flower on top of the books. On their spines the words “Happy Spring’ and a few tiny pink cloth flowers have been affixed to cover any signs of their authors or titles. So here’s the thing about spring and my reading habits:

I tend to dramatically slow down on my reading time once the weather warms up, April showers have ended, and spending ample time outdoors is pleasant again for the first time in about six months.

If Ontario happens to have an unusually cold or stormy spring in a given year, this obviously does not happen.

I try to plan for all sorts of possibilities since you never know what the weather might do as the seasons change.

Let’s see which new books coming out this spring have caught my eye. I hope to read them on stormy days when going outdoors is not such an appealing idea.


Book cover for The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church by Sarah McCammon. There is no image on the cover really. It starts off as lime green at the top of the cover and gradually shift colour to a sea green at the bottom. The title and author are written in a white font whose style is reminiscent of chalk on a chalkboard.

Publication Date: Today!

Why I’m Interested: Not only am I part of this demographic group, I was also a preacher’s kid. I’m really curious to see what the author has to say about us and how much of her research matches my own experiences.






The Cemetery of Untold Stories by Julia Alvarez book cover. Image on cover shows a drawing of a very pale person who might be a statue lying down with their eyes closed. They are surrounded by flowers and greenery, including one green leaf that is touching their lips and some grass growing up by their pale, still body. The background is pitch black, possibly a reference to this being set very late on a cloudy night?


2.  The Cemetery of Untold Stories by Julia Alvarez 

Publication Date: April 2

Why I’m Interested: As an author, I have my own little cemetery of abandoned stories that I feel guilty about and do hope to go back and finish one day. Personifying forgotten characters is such a creative idea. This could be an excellent read.

Book cover for A Sweet Sting of Salt by Rose Sutherland. Image on cover shows a closeup of a white person whose long, straight, brown hair is flowing over their bare chest, concealing their breasts. Their hands are holding their hair in exactly the right position to keep this image from becoming too racy.



3. A Sweet Sting of Salt by Rose Sutherland

Publication Date: April 9

Why I’m Interested: Romance isn’t a genre I visit very often as you all may remember, but I love the fact that this is a retelling of the classic folktale The Selkie Wife and am excited to see what the author does with it.

Book cover for Image on cover shows an eerie red glowing light that looks like an alien spaceship hanging low over the floor in an otherwise almost pitch black room. You can see two white lightbulbs above it and the dim outline of a large wooden door, but the rest of the room is shrouded in darkness.


4. The House That Horror Built by Christina Henry

Publication Date: May 14

Why I’m Interested: It’s much less common for me to read horror since the pandemic started, but I do find the occasional stories in this genre that aren’t too scary. Here’s hoping I can handle some paranormal horror as the protagonist sounds like a very interesting person who just so happens to work in what sounds like might be a haunted house.




Filed under Blog Hops

76 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Spring 2024 TBR

  1. Anita@seriesbooklover

    The house that horror built sounds good

  2. Did you have any issues visiting the Artsy Reader Girl’s site today? It’s not loading the element with people’s links in it for me. That first book is mildly interesting — not too applicable for me because I grew up in the Pentecostal church, which is thoroughly mixed-race. My own list is here.

  3. These all sound very interesting! I haven’t heard of them before—so I look forward to seeing your thoughts when you get around to them.

    Happy reading! Here’s my TTT this week.

  4. Even though you slow down your reading with nice weather, I hope you get these three read. They look good.

  5. Okay, I’m fascinated with religions so I’m going to have to pick up The Exvangelicals. Had no idea you were the child of a preacher, that’s very interesting!

    If you haven’t read it yet, I’d suggest Jesus and John Wayne: How White Evangelicals Corrupted a Faith and Fractured a Nation by Kristen Kobes du Mez. I learned a lot from it.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  6. You have a nice mix of genres. Hopefully you will find time for them all.

  7. My new annual reading pattern is falling in a slump late winter and picking up again in spring! So I’m looking forward to my slump ending.

  8. Looks like you have a varied reading TBR coming up! It’s always fun to mix up genres or styles of books, and this list looks to be full of different possibilities which will, hopefully, result in some great reading for ya! Happy spring TBR-ing, and many thanks for visiting my website. 🙂

  9. The House That Horror Built sounds intriguing. It is exceedingly rare that I read horror, but a story that features a haunted house does seem to draw me in.

  10. The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church by Sarah McCammon sounds interesting! I look forward to hearing your thoughts once you read it.

  11. Hope you’ll love all of these, but also that you’ll have lots of nice weather and days spent outside 🙂

  12. My reading slows down a lot too! I hope you enjoy these!

  13. What a neat list, Lydia! Love how you explained why you want to read it as well. Hope you get to them this spring.

  14. All of these sound good in different ways. What a great list! I’m definitely curious about the Exvangelicals and I’ll be looking out for your thoughts about it when you’ve read it.

  15. I’m very interested in Sarah McCammon’s book as well. Happy reading!l and happy spring!

  16. The Cemetery of Untold Stories and The House That Horror Built both sound very interesting, the titles really grab your attention.

  17. The first one! Off to request it. THANKS!!

  18. These all sound really interesting, especially the selkie retelling. I can’t wait to read what you think of them!

  19. Hope you find the time to enjoy these but that you also enjoy some nice weather!

  20. Joanne

    The Cemetery of Untold Stories is a great title!

  21. I didn’t know about a new book by Julia Alvarez, sounds good

  22. Bev Baird

    These all sound interesting Lydia. I’m drawn to The books by Alvarez and Sutherland. Let’s hope spring doesn’t revert to winter here in SW Ontario. Weirdest winter ever – but would love a lovely spring. All the best!

  23. They sound good. I hope you get some good book reading weather! I’m not a horror reader as I like to sleep plus during the day at the moment it’s me and my 8 month old son so being scared isn’t the best option 😂

    It will be interesting to see with the first one how close the experience is. I like to know where authors go/what they do to research their books!

    Have a great week!

  24. I’ve seen a lot of hype for The Exvangelicals because I follow way too much cult stuff on TikTok. I want to read it too!

  25. The Cemetery of Untold Stories sounds really interesting!

  26. An interesting combination of genres, I hope you enjoy them

  27. Hope you get the good weather! I’m always an indoors-y type, haha, so I’m a reading fiend all year round. XD

  28. The House That Horror Built is one on my TBR. I hope it’s one you can enjoy since the genre isn’t really your thing. Happy reading with all of these!

  29. An interesting list. I haven’t heard of any of these books but I can see why you want to read them. I hope you enjoy them.

  30. This is a great list, Lydia! I love the sound of The Cemetery of Untold Stories and The Sweet Sting of Salt. I added those to my TBR, and appreciate that you always find the most interesting books, and they’re always new to me.

  31. Ooh, I recently got the ARC of Julia Alvarez’s book and it sounds so good! I’m looking forward to reading it and I hope we both enjoy it 🙂 Happy reading!

  32. I was invited to read an early copy of The Exvangelicals but I couldn’t fit it in. I’m intrigued by it too, though, since I’m also part of the demographic group. If you get to pick it up, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

  33. The Cemetery of Untold Stories sounds really interesting. Thanks for mentioning it!

  34. The Cemetery of Untold Stories sounds pretty good. I’ll have to look it up.

  35. I was a PK as well! My dad pastored a very loving church and I wasn’t left with the emotional baggage that many describe as a result of their church experience. It’s always fun to look forward to a new season of reading!

  36. Happy reading! I can understand about the weather (and how it affects one’s reading habits) and while east Tennessee weather isn’t nearly as extreme (I suspect) it’s still pretty unpredictable this time of year as well. Hopefully the weather plays nice this year. 🙂

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