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Butter tarts.
Canada celebrates Thanksgiving about six weeks before the United States does, but the types of food typically served at both of these Thanksgivings are pretty similar with one exception which I will take note of in my next paragraph.
Some Canadian families serve butter tarts for or as part of their dessert at Thanksgiving. I can’t eat them due to my milk allergy, but I keep hoping one of our local vegan bakeries will make a version of them I can try someday. They do look good.
I always enjoy eating pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes with gravy, dinner rolls, ham, fresh salads, and roasted vegetables. (My family would switch between serving ham and turkey depending on which one was on sale before Thanksgiving, so they’re both Thanksgiving foods to me).
I have neutral feelings about sweet potato casserole (generally too sweet for my tastes), canned cranberry sauce (sometimes too sour) and roasted turkey (often too dry). These are foods I’ll take a small, polite serving of but generally skip over when it’s time for another round of food.
I dislike fresh cranberry sauce because of how sour it is, so this is something I quietly leave for others to enjoy.
My grandparents tend to serve apple or other types of fruit pie at Thanksgiving as well. This seems to be a fairly common thing in the Midwest, although I don’t know if the same can be said for other parts of the United States. Maybe one of my fellow Americans can say?
Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever tasted a pie I disliked, fruit-filled or otherwise. They’re all delicious to me!
Pie does seem pretty common here in the Midwest, at least in my experience. We have pumpkin pie. Mashed potatoes, rolls, stuffing. Usually turkey but ham seems popular too. Sometimes baked mac and cheese, cheesy potatoes or casseroles…
Way too much food! 🙂
Heh, for sure!
We eat all the traditional stuff on Thanksgiving. Turkey, rolls, mashed potatoes, etc. The pie is my favorite. We usually get a pumpkin pie and a chocolate pie.
Very cool!
With the exception of pecan, I’ve also never met a pie I disliked. I am with you on the pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes.
When we would go to my great grandparents house it was always pumpkin, pecan, apple, and cherry pie. Abundant amounts of mashed potatoes and two gravies (brown and white). Turkey, Ham, and pork tenderloin were also always served at their house.
And butter tarts do sound delish!
Heh, I just left a comment on your post.
Your grandparents’ menu sounds amazing.
I’m down in Texas and I don’t see much fruit as part of Thanksgiving meals, but now I’m honestly wondering why not. It would be such an easy addition, and add a bit more variety. Weird.
I’m on the US West Coast (California, to be more specific) and we have always had apple pies for Thanksgiving in addition to pumpkin. Though, apple pie is my dad’s favorite, and his mom was always the one doing the baking, so it could be more of a family thing and less of a regional one. (Now that Grandma is 94, I have taken over the baking, and it’s still both a pumpkin and an apple pie for Thanksgiving. In our family it’s usually both an apple pie and a chocolate cake for Christmas, for the record.)
Yum! I’d want a piece of apple pie as well as a piece of pumpkin.
And chocolate cake for Christmas sounds wonderful.
Those butter tarts look delicious. I googled some recipes for vegan ones and want to try them. My family likes pumpkin and apple pies on Thanksgiving. I don’t dislike them, but I don’t really like them, either. I’m more a blueberry or cherry pie person.
Blueberry and cherry pie are amazing! I’ll have to look up vegan butter tart recipes, too.
I loved pumpkin pie the one time I tried it. We don’t really have it here in the UK unfortunately.
Very interesting! What types of pie do you have?
Those butter tarts look so good. I think we need to make that a US tradition too. Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks, and I totally agree you should. Haha.
Happy Thanksgiving!