Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My TBR I Predict Will Be 5-Star Reads

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Does anyone else find it tricky to predict which books they’ll give five-star ratings to ahead of time? My list is short and sweet this week due to that. I hope my predictions will be accurate.

Everfair by Nisi Shawl

I love alternate history novels, so I have high hopes that this exploration of what would have happened if Africa developed steam-powered boats before Europe did will be as amazing as I expect.

The Three-Body Problem: Remembrance of Earth's Past Series, Book 1 by Cixin Liu. Image on cover is of person standing next to a pyramid as two moons shine overhead at night.

The Three-Body Problem: Remembrance of Earth’s Past Series, Book 1 by Cixin Liuย 

This was recommended to me on Twitter a few weeks ago after I asked if anyone knew of good science fiction novels about aliens that don’t look or act human-like.
The Lightning Thief: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series, Book 1 by Rick Riordan. Image on over is of a young boy holding a scroll and wading through water while lighting strikes a city in the background.
The Lightning Thief: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series, Book 1 by Rick Riordanย 
I accept the fact that I’m probably the last person in the whole world to begin this series. Everyone tells me it’s amazing, so I’m taking them at their word!
If any of you have recommendations for books similar to these ones, I’d sure like to hear about them.


Filed under Blog Hops

114 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My TBR I Predict Will Be 5-Star Reads

  1. Ooh Everfair sounds really interesting! Definitely one I need to check out. I hope you enjoy all of these!

  2. The Three-Body Problem is a really interesting read but the science went a little over my head.

  3. The first two sound amazing and I know my youngest became a Rick Riordan fan after reading “The Lightning Thief!” Great picks!

  4. Nice list, and good luck with them!

    Everfair sounds really interesting. I’ve read The Three Body Problem, and while I ultimately enjoyed it, it was not your typical American sci-fi. The pacing is different… in a good way, but it takes some adjustment. I hope you like it!

  5. Iโ€™ve heard excellent things about the Percy Jackson series. I hope you enjoy it.

  6. I have not read The Lightning Thief either. I bought it for my kids but none of them could get into it. I think that’s why I haven’t given it a try. But I think I would enjoy it because I do love mythology more than my kids do. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ll be anxious to hear what you think!

  7. I love the Lightning Thief so much! I hope you enjoy it.

  8. Sam

    Yeah, you might be the last to read PJO ๐Ÿ˜‚ But thatโ€™s okay! I hope you enjoy them! I love them so much, especially the spin off series Heroes of Olympus!

  9. I’ve never read any of the Percy Jackson books, so I’ll be curious to see your thoughts.

  10. Everfair sounds interesting, and I loved The Lightning Thief! I hope you do too!

  11. Lightning Thief was a huge hit with my son when it came out. Hope you enjoy it

  12. Everfair sounds super interesting and I really liked The Lightning Thief. Hope you enjoy all of these! ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. I love Percy Jackson. I still need to finish that series but I just loved the concept of them and the first books were so good. Hope you enjoy them.

  14. Ever fair sounds amazing. Iโ€™m a big fan of alternative history too and that sounds so clever!

  15. I really enjoyed The Lightning Theif! I need to reread it one of these days!

  16. I have been meaning to start the Percy Jackson books for aaaaaaaaages!!

  17. A short, sweet list is great! Both the first books you listed sound amazing. I’m a fan of alternate history books, too, so I def need to check out that first one. Have you read the Ink and Bone series by Rachel Caine or THE RING AND THE CROWN by Melissa de la Cruz? Those are the only alternate histories I can think of at the moment. Hope you have a great week!

  18. Oh my god that cover for Everfair though…

  19. The Lightning Thief is fantastic! The whole series is!

  20. I haven’t read Percy Jackson either (although my daughter has). Everfair sounds interesting.

    • Wow, there are a lot of us who haven’t read the Percy Jackson books!

      I hope you like Everfair. I just might gush about it after I read it if it’s as great as it sounds.

  21. Oh my gosh, Everfair sounds amazing?? Where has it been all my life?? Alternate history AND BOaTs! I’m sold! I was sold at just seeing the cover to be honest, but now I’m even more sold.

    I HAVEN’T READ PERCY JACKSON EITHER! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I thought I was alone in this too! XD It really does feel like everyone else has read it (though I’m sure there are other’s like us XD) but I think I’ll enjoy it?? Maybe?? It sounds good, and I watched the uh… the movies.
    And I’m all for Greek mythology anyway so, I’ll at least find some things about the book enjoyable (school setting! but like a boarding school camp full of half blood, god offspring? me like) if I don’t feel captivated by the plot??
    I Hope these books are all 5 star reads for you!!

    Happy Reading! <3

    • I loved this comment.

      Yay to meeting other people who haven’t read the Percy Jackson books. There should be a club for us or something. LOL.

      Hope you like Everfair.

  22. I remember liking The Lightening Thief. I hope it ends up 5 stars for you.

  23. You should enjoy The Lightning Thief. Thanks for coming by earlier today.

  24. Yeah, I had a hard time with this one…so just didn’t do this week. The more I think a book will be 5 stars, the more expectations I set on the story so end up disappointed even when it was a 4 star read. So, I try not to make such predictions. Your short list is great though. I know The Lightening Thief is very popular and my very picky oldest son read it when it first came out and loved it enough to read it multiple times since. Enjoy!

  25. I havenโ€™t read any of these but I hope they are great reads for you!! Thanks for stopping by! ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. I have only read the first two Percy Jackson novels, so you aren’t complete alone. One day I will finish this series. Happy reading!

  27. Oh nice! Totally new to me ones here. I hope you enjoy them all to the 5 star limit! Lol.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT post!

  28. I love Percy Jackson! And there are so many similar books with the sequel series, other books Rick Riordan, and of course the new imprint, Rick Riordan presents.

    I hope you enjoy The Lightning Thief, though! ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. I’ve not tried any of Rick Riordan’s books, but as my kids approach teenhood, I suspect that will change.

    I thought this was kind of a tough subject for a TTT… but a cool one. I stuck with authors I know I like so I have some reasonable hopes of liking their books too ๐Ÿ˜‰

  30. I have The Lightning Thief (bought it for my kids) but I’ve never tried the series myself. I’ll have to get around to it one day because it gets a lot of really good reviews.

  31. Ooh Riordan. I’ve never read any of his stuff! I’ve been wanting to though- maybe this year I’ll take the plunge!

  32. You are so NOT the last person to read The Lightning Thief, because I haven’t read it yet, either! xD I want to read that and his newer series with the gods of Asgard. I just haven’t had a chance to get to them yet. Everyone tells me it’s really good, too, so here’s to hoping it’s five stars for both of us!

  33. Prachi

    I havenโ€™t heard of the first two but I like science fiction so the second book sounds interesting ๐Ÿ˜Š

  34. I’m another one who will highly recommend the Percy Jackson books! That were my favorite series in elementary and middle school, and over ten years later, they are still among my favorites! I haven’t read or seen the others you have listed. I hope you enjoy all of them!

  35. Wow Everfair sounds so interesting. I might have to add it to my TBR list!

  36. I’ll never forget seeing a man hawking books at a librarian conference many years ago in Texas. The books were advanced reader copies and the covers were white with a little bolt of lightning, not very interesting. But the man was the author and he spoke with such passion about his book that I felt compelled to try the book when I returned to my hotel room that night. That author was Rick Riordan and that book was The Lightning Thief.

  37. Oh my, count me in as hoping everfair is a 5-star read — it really does sound wonderful!

  38. RS

    I’ve seen so many posts about The Three Body Problem on Reddit, but this is the first time I’ve ever actually seen the cover or even known what genre it was. Or that it was Chinese. I was trying to figure out where its hype was coming from, so I’m glad you included how you heard of it.

  39. The cover for Everfair is interesting. Hope you enjoy all of these!

  40. Percy Jackson is definitely awesome! If you end up enjoying it, I definitely recommend the spin-off series, The Heroes of Olympus ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. You’re not alone. I started reading The Lightning Thief last year (for the first time) and had to put it down to finish some arcs and then never came back to it. I still really want to read it, as my kids say it’s fantastic.

  42. Oh wow, I’m so excited for you getting to read Percy Jackson for the first time, although I’m curious how you’ll find it reading as an adult without being driven by nostalgia. I’m also planning to read some books by Cixin Liu – she’s a big name in sci-fi with many interesting premises.

    I appreciate your short list, otherwise, as it was definitely tricky to figure out which books would be excellent.

  43. I haven’t read any of these books, but I hope you end up loving these books! โ™ก

  44. I liked THE LIGHTNING THIEF, but it wasn’t a 5-star read for me. In fact, I never even moved on in the series. I’m probably an outlier on this one, though – I know lots of diehard Rick Riordan fans.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  45. The Three Body Problem is one I’ve owned for a while – I would like to read it soon! I keep hearing great things about it!

  46. It’s definitely tricky to predict 5-star reads! Hope you’ll enjoy all of these.

  47. Everfair sounds fascinating. I hadn’t heard of it before. I find it hard to predict five star reads, as well. Though if it’s a book about books, that’s usually a good hint I’m going to love it!

  48. These still look amazing!! <3

  49. For some reason Percy Jackson has never really caught my eye and I don’t even know why. The three-body problem sounds like a great read though! I hope all of these end up being five star reads for you, Lydia ๐Ÿ™‚

  50. I really liked ‘The Lightning Thief’, and it led me to binge read the entire series!

  51. So far I’ve only read the first two books in the Percy Jackson series but I loved them both so I hope you’ll have a good experience with them as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

  52. Oooh, The Three Body Problem keeps crossing my radar. It sounds pretty good! I need to bump it up in priority. ๐Ÿ™‚

  53. Hope you enjoy all these. Everfair sounds good ๐Ÿ™‚

  54. The Lightning Thief is also on my TBR. I hope you enjoy all of these! ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. It’s so tricky I agree! I hope they are 5 star reads for you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  56. Everfair and The Three-Body Problem sound good – adding those to my TBR. ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope you enjoy Percy Jackson, it’s a fun series!

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