Title: Dollar Tales from The Morbid Museum: The Ghosts Inside
Author: James Pack
Publisher: VaudVil
Publication Date: 2019
Genres: Science Fiction, Horror, Contemporary
Length: 40 pages
Source: I received a free copy from James
Rating: 3.5 Stars
These Dollar Tales feature one or two short stories from the forthcoming collection of fiction by James Pack titled Morbid Museum. This Dollar Tale is called The Ghosts Inside and features the original and extended versions of the story. Go inside the mind of a man who believes he is saving children by ending their lives. Will he kill again or will someone stop him from taking young lives?
Content warning: child abuse and the murders of children. I will not be discussing these things in my review.
This e-book contains two versions of the same tale. I found the first draft too short for my preferences, so I’ll be reviewing the extended version.
Not every serial killer is an evil genius.
One of the things I liked the most about this story was the fact that the antagonist behaved like an ordinary person. (Well, other than the murders he committed, of course). He wasn’t the strongest, smartest, fastest, or most cunning person around. If not for his awful hobby, he would have struck me as a perfectly average man. That was refreshing.
I found it tricky to keep up with the multiple narrators. It would have worked really nicely in a novella or novel, but the roughly twenty-five pages that the extended version had to work with simply wasn’t enough space for everyone to show the audience who they were and what they were about. Focusing so intently on the killer in the first version was a smarter decision. As much as I enjoyed many of the other changes the author made to the storyline once it was expanded, I do wish this part of it had carried through.
There were so many hints about the killer’s personality that I was able to gently tease out of the things he said and did. It was interesting to figure out what made him tick. While he wasn’t someone I’d ever want to meet on a dark street or anywhere else, I did like the way the author tried to explain why someone would commit such unforgivable crimes. This only became more true as I realized what the killer’s biggest weakness was and why it appeared to be something that he himself wasn’t necessarily aware of. I’ll leave it up to other readers to put these pieces together for themselves, but they did make for a satisfying experience.
Dollar Tales from The Morbid Museum: The Ghosts Inside was much darker than what I typically read. I think it would be best suited for people who enjoy crime fiction or dark science fiction.
You’re right — that the antagonist is so normal otherwise, really does add another level of creepy to this. You also have me curious about his biggest weakness, and that he’s unaware of it.
That was a great part of the plot. If you read this book, I think you’ll like figuring it out!