How Does the Winter Solstice Affect You?

Photo by Emmanuel Boutet

This is my groggy time of year.

Yesterday was particularly sleepy as it was dark and rainy for much of the day in Toronto. I stumbled through the afternoon desperately wanting a nap and wondering why it had to be so gloomy outside.

Sometimes I wonder if this profound lack of sunlight is one of the reasons why I’m not a fan of Christmas. After six months of watching the days grow progressively shorter maybe a small part of my mind worries that they’ll never wax again.

Contrary to many people I prefer January and February to December. Yes, those months are typically colder but they also fill the world with a slowly increasing amount of light. Even the chilliest wind and the deepest blanket of snow cannot hide the fact that spring is on her way.

I’m not worried about the (supposed) Mayan prediction that this year’s winter solstice will bring about the end of the world. My concern with the 21st is purely vitamin D related – I need more sunshine! ๐Ÿ™‚


How are you affected by the shorter days this time of year?

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0 Responses to How Does the Winter Solstice Affect You?

  1. tammy

    It’s the season for little LED lights all over the apartment. To remind you of sunshine. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. daphnepurpus

    I don’t like the shorter days, but I do like the Winter Solstice because it means things will turn around and start getting brighter. And, yes, LED lights help a lot! Someone told me to celebrate this time of year as the Season of Light, and personally, I’d rather celebrate the end of the shortening and beginning of lengthening of the days instead of a religious celebration, if that makes any sense. Cheers!

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