The topic of sex came up at lunch last week.
Well, technically I lead the conversation in that direction when someone else sitting at the table made a comment that could either be taken innocuously or….otherwise.
Of course I chose the second option.
I might be quiet most of the time in real life, but there’s always been a deep-seated ornery streak in my personality. 😉
I’d spent the last few hours of that meal tamping down everything that might have ruffled feathers at that table: my (lack of) religion; my sexual orientation; my political views; my cheerful childlessness.
(Whether or not doing this is a smart idea in the longterm might be fodder for another post someday, but I digress).
The funny thing about doing this kind of exercise is how easy it is for the mask to slip off, especially when you’re not used to wearing it.
So back to the sex talk. You’d be surprised by how much communication can be accomplished with a raised eyebrow and a few carefully-selected words. Anyone who didn’t know what we were talking about would have had to strain to hear what I was saying. Even then I had plausible deniability thanks to all of the wonderful double entendres in the English language.
Oh, the blushing. The faintest rumbles of it might have even been felt in Thunder Bay. It wasn’t the reaction I was expecting. The people I was sitting closest to at that table aren’t exactly known for being easily embarrassed.
Mission accomplished, I grinned and changed the subject. There’s a different between teasing someone and making them actively uncomfortable.
Although it did make me wonder why it is that (some parts of) western culture are comfortable dancing around the topic of sex but get flustered if you wander too close to it?
What do you think?