Suggestion Saturday: August 28, 2010

Here is this week’s list of blog posts, games, videos and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.

One of These Kittens Is Not Like the Others. A short video about a cat who adopts an orphaned rabbit. I wonder if the breast milk of a carnivore has the right balance of nutrients for a growing herbivore?

The Queer Science Experiment; or, Too Much Information. Intrusive questions from strangers or near-strangers are not limited to one’s sexual orientation or gender identity, of course. This article strikes a fantastic balance between maintaining privacy and educating others about whatever it is they feel the need to have an opinion about in our lives.

The issue is not especially with asking questions; we’d never get anywhere in this world if curiosity were a morally objectionable character flaw. People can ask me whatever they want, but I in turn have the right to say “That’s none of your business.” [emphasis mine.]

Is It Safe to Burn Driftwood In a Stove? I don’t own a wood-burning stove but was still curious to read more. It’s better to have a little unnecessary knowledge floating around in one’s brain than to desperately need that information and have neither a clue about the correct answer nor a way of obtaining one.

Extinct! – Darwin Today. The object of this game: to successfully pass on genes to the next generation of plants. If you choose the wild plant the best strategy is to disperse as many seeds as possible. Domesticated plants should grow fewer, larger seeds in the hopes that the farmer will decide to plant them next year. These are the only hints I will share. Have fun figuring the rest of it out!

The Firm Grip of Christianity.  This is why I generally do not discuss my religious beliefs with Christians.

What have you been reading?


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8 Responses to Suggestion Saturday: August 28, 2010

  1. that was quite the story on the gender identity interaction. craziness.

    • Lydia

      Yeah, I can’t understand how anyone would think it was ok to treat another human being in that manner. People are bizarre sometimes, I suppose.

  2. that was quite the story on the gender identity interaction. craziness.

    • Lydia

      Yeah, I can’t understand how anyone would think it was ok to treat another human being in that manner. People are bizarre sometimes, I suppose.

  3. teresa stebbins

    Yes, I agree, totally bizarre! Hard to believe anyone would actually feel they have that right?

    Loved the little bunny/cat story…cute!

    Driftwood story…totally random info!!

    Extinct! – its’ too bad there can’t be room for everyone to understand that there IS room for differing opinons and beliefs. I agree and pretty much keep my mouth shut too.

    Today I’m reading Victoria Magazine. Have you ever seen this? I have quite a collection of these magazines. They are therapy for me really. The pictures are excellent and the magazine is full of loveliness. It just makes me slow down and enjoy a moment..sometimes I need that! Plus-there is ALways something about ‘TEA’ in each issue!!! 🙂

    • Lydia

      Heh, I included the driftwood link because I’ve always assumed that it’s safe to burn anything that hasn’t been chemically treated. I mean, wood is wood, right? It was shocking to find out otherwise! 🙂

      I’ve never heard of Victoria Magazine. Is this what you’re talking about?

  4. teresa stebbins

    Yes, I agree, totally bizarre! Hard to believe anyone would actually feel they have that right?

    Loved the little bunny/cat story…cute!

    Driftwood story…totally random info!!

    Extinct! – its’ too bad there can’t be room for everyone to understand that there IS room for differing opinons and beliefs. I agree and pretty much keep my mouth shut too.

    Today I’m reading Victoria Magazine. Have you ever seen this? I have quite a collection of these magazines. They are therapy for me really. The pictures are excellent and the magazine is full of loveliness. It just makes me slow down and enjoy a moment..sometimes I need that! Plus-there is ALways something about ‘TEA’ in each issue!!! 🙂

    • Lydia

      Heh, I included the driftwood link because I’ve always assumed that it’s safe to burn anything that hasn’t been chemically treated. I mean, wood is wood, right? It was shocking to find out otherwise! 🙂

      I’ve never heard of Victoria Magazine. Is this what you’re talking about?

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